Weight-Loss Sweet Tooth


Mrs. Wilson

New member
Ok, So I have a major sweet tooth. Late at night all I want to do is eat sweets...even if I am not super hungry. I also like to have a small sweet after I eat a meal, and i think that is cause I used to smoke and when I quit after meals intead of grabing a smoke i would grap a sweet.

Well now that I am trying to loose weight I am trying to cut the sweets out (if I can find something healthy that is satisfying) or atleast to one or two days a week, not everyday.

I am curious what others eat when they have sweet tooths....something as a compramise...Like cereal, or low fat cookies, or NSA ice cream? Just wondering if I could get some good ideas of something better to be putting in my body and also not compramising my weight loss.:p
Fruit is always a good idea. treat yourself to the more expensive things like berries.

Swap ice cream for frozen yogert, tastes delish and is way healthier.
Or just normal yogurts are great for sweet cravings.
I'll blend some fresh berries with non fat cool whip...

Oh, and the other night...for DESSERT...this is what my family had...
I baked in the oven one Yam.
Took the skin off, divided it into thirds, put in bowls with small amount of butter and brown sugar. Spoon mashed it.

It was delicious!

Never in a gazillion years did I think my family would be happy with a yam for dessert ;)
Blend Some Walden Farms calorie-free marshmallow dip with crushed ice and water + like 15+--i use more--packets of splenda until very smooth consistency. Better to keep the ratio of ice to water higher in the ice department because it freezes better the less watery it is. Pour into a largish Tupperware container (This recipe should fill up the whole blender (50ish oz) and expands further when frozen. Put into freezer and stir, breaking off the parts of the mixture that freeze to the side, and mix those parts back in intermittently. It will completely freeze over after 6+ hours making a vanilla flavored shaved ice. You could eat it before that and it will be softer (and easier to put into sugar ice-cream cups--15cals each). I usually let it freeze and use a spoon to eat it like shaved ice as it takes longer, and believe me this makes such a a large amount (too much for one sitting sometimes) it will take a long time to finish and is so good. The best part is that it is 0 calories. I'm waiting for mine to finish freezing now.
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Dove makes dark chocolate with a truffle center, that are supremely creamy, and sweet enough - just one or two, is so worth the less than 100 calorie splurge - and a little goes a long way...

Frozen bananas make a nice ice cream substitute...
Pudding pops-80 calories each.
Fudgesicles- anywhere from 70 to 110 calories each.
And this if the regular old kind, not sugar free. I have actually found that the sugar free ones don't have any less calories. Sugar free is great for diabetics but as far as calorie counting, it doesn't make any difference. These aren't the most healthy things you can eat (all though they aren't terrible either) but they are definitely a very doable treat. :)
Thank you guys so much! You all have given me tons of ideas for just about ever sweet tooth craving I get!

Also I have some new things to add to my shopping list!!!

I cant wait to see what things others will add!
I don't have much of a sweet tooth, I have a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet. My house has a number of citrus trees. If I feel like treating myself I'll get a bar of really quality dark chocolate and have a square or two.
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@Kaika the sugar free fruit pops i buy are only 30cals each, and there are diet pops that are 15 cals each. They're not chocolate flavored but hey, there are far less calories.

@mrs. Wilson I actually find for the recipe i gave that it is better if you let it thaw in the fridge or on the counter and eat in those ice cream cups that are only 15 calories per cup. Its a big improvement and gives it an aice cream feel.
This last month my sweet tooth, which is normally very manageable, is way out of control. I think I've been eating chocolate as one of my main meals. :eek:

I've found two things which help. Neither are chocolate, which I love. But good enough.

One is sugar free jello. In the fridge section, they are only 5 calories a serving, and quite yummy. I add a spoon of lite cool whip if I want an extra treat.

The other is lowfat caramel dip. When fruit isn't quite enough, I chop it up and warm up a tablespoon of the dip and drizzle it on. Actually, even a whole tablespoon seemed too sweet, so I could make do with less. That'd be about 30 calories, plus fruit.
I could not just have a square or two of a chocolate bar---I'd seriously have to eat the whole freakin' thing...my will power isn't that strong. :)