Sport sweet potato and vitamin A

Sport Fitness
umm, i think theres something as getting too much Vitamin A. and i eat lots of sweet potatos which are packed with vitamin A. does that matteR?
is your skin tinted orange?

Are you eating more than 2 per day? Are you eating other foods rich in Vitamin A?
I too eat one everyday and have a friend that is a competitive bodybuilder that does too. I haven't been concerned. I their a symptom you have been concerned about? I found ths on Vitamin A:

In the United States, toxic or excess levels of vitamin A are of more concern than deficiencies. The tolerable upper intake level for adults is 3,000 mcg RAE. It would be difficult to reach this level consuming food alone. But some multivitamin supplements contain high doses of vitamin A. If you take a multivitamin, check the label to be sure the majority of vitamin A provided is in the form of beta-carotene, which appears to be safe. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include dry, itchy skin, headache, nausea, and loss of appetite. Signs of severe overuse over a short period of time include dizziness, blurred vision and slowed growth. Vitamin A toxicity also can cause severe birth defects and may increase the risk for hip fractures.
i wouldnt worry about it, i think you'd have to eat a ton of them every day to get too much vitamin e from them. i eat them a lot myself, BTW. great veggie.
yeah, i read that its that fake vitamin A, not beta-caroten thats bad for you. and lol spock, i saw on the history channel a while ago, or was it the food network....but i saw on TV that WWII pilots would eat lots of foods containing beta-carotene for better vision, and the excess would turn their skin orange. pilots could actually be picked out from the groups.

so spock was not joking :p

but im not gonna stop eating sweet potatos, i love mashed sweet potatos sooo much.
corple said:
i saw on the history channel a while ago, or was it the food network....but i saw on TV that WWII pilots would eat lots of foods containing beta-carotene for better vision, and the excess would turn their skin orange. pilots could actually be picked out from the groups.

but im not gonna stop eating sweet potatos, i love mashed sweet potatos sooo much.
When one of my nephews was a baby, he would only eat the baby food jars of apricots, peaches, and yams - he was orange until he was 2 and began liking other foods!

mmmmmmm......... mashed sweet potatoes........... ever mix in unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon? mmmmmm......
spockafina said:
mmmmmmm......... mashed sweet potatoes........... ever mix in unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon? mmmmmm......
Yummy, I was doing that, lately I've been doing butter sprinkles, cinnamon and splenda :)