swallowing pills ?

any tips .. im one of those people who has trouble swallowing pills ..
most of the pills these days for fish oil and stuff are HUGE ..
i get my multi down .. but its a struggle ..
any tips or anything on getting them down ?

are you drinking water with the pills? :p
while taking the pills, drink something with it :]
obviously .. i guess its a mental block or something ..
i swallow bigger pieces of food when i eat .. but for the life of me
i feel like im gonna choke or something
jetjaguar said:
obviously .. i guess its a mental block or something ..
i swallow bigger pieces of food when i eat .. but for the life of me
i feel like im gonna choke or something


just earlier, i swallowed 3 fish oil pills with a multivitamin ><" without water. but it was alrite.

yes its probably a mental block, but if i were you, you should try thinking happy thoughts everytime you take them :] heh, like. oh i'm swallowing a apple-cinnamon mint!
make sure you put it back on your tongue, not up front. most pill coatings won't register a taste on the tastebuds in the back of your mouth for some reason, but up front....yack.
its not really the taste .. its weird .. its like my throat shuts down ..
and if i try to swallow and i fail .. then i have to give up and wait awhile to clear my head .. yes im mental ..
i put it far back on my tongue, fill my mouth with water, then snap my head back and swallow at the same time. The motion seems to rocket any pills i take down without even feeling it.
A good tip if you have problems with say fish oil pills is to keep them in the freezer. This will reduce the smell without damaging the contents of the pill.
If you take flax pills.. finish them up and just stick to straight up flax oil. The amount of those little buggers you will have to consume for it to even be worthwhile is like 12 or something.
I cant swallow pills unless I have water or something in my mouth first. I know what you mean to about if they get stuck, I almost throw up. I just do one at a time and usually with something like milk or a protein shake, something a little thicker than water.
thanks guys .. ill give it a try