Weight-Loss Sw. Potato's are Catabolic???



For Real?? I read it online somewhere. Now, I know they aren't referring to candied sweet potatoes, but a regular sweet pot. is a neg. cal. food?? Sounds too good to be true, lol
I wouldn't believe so.
well,3 of the 4 lists I looked at said it was...but its such a soft consistancy that I don't see how..... i dunno...its good for ya either way though...
Who's printing the lists though?

I'm not sure I buy into the whole negative calorie foods thing. Does anyone have any data on it beyond articles from the net?

That would mean that just eating more and more of these foods would put you in a caloric deficit after a certain point.
yea, I'm not a big follower of the "neg cal diet" so I can't site any publications or anything...just sites that I've googled. I guess in theory, you can eat mostly from the foods on the list and loose weight.....but I'm not interested in that...I wanted to work in some zero cal foods into my diet though, for those times I'm hungry and yet refusing to eat any more cals...
they are, but as steve said.

All food has calories, yes it takes calories to digest foods, but the amount is pretty negligable for most part.

On the plus side ive never said anything bad about it because generally people dont eat enough vegetables and it cant do any harm. I would be more worried about the extras people put on foods.
I prefer sweet potato to normal anyway - tastes so much yummier :D
there are tthreads on negative calorie diet around here..

including negative calorie foods are good for you because they're vegetables... however - they do not have magical properties -

as snopes says -the calorie burn of eatng one stalk of celery (which has far fewer calories than a sweet potato) is the equivelent of watchig paint dry
Good Article :)