Survivor China


New member
Stacy's thread re the Amazing Race gave me the idea for this one. I'm sure there are other Survivor fans out there.

Well, I was pretty pleased with tonight's epi. Athough I'd rather get rid of PG. But as long as James stays, I'm happy. :D

Here are my top 3 I want gone:
1. PG
2. Courtney
3. Todd

They showed in the previews for next week that Todd tries to get rid of James. Well, I might have to move him to the top of the list in that

I thought that was pretty funny that Jaime thought she might have the immunity idol.

Was anyone else grossed out by last week's reward challenge? The duck fetus thing made me want to vomit. Even thinking about it now, I can feel my stomach churning. There is no way in hell I'd ever eat that!!:ack2::ack2:
OMG...I just want to hand feed Courtney..For petes sakes..EAT woman!

I also love James! What a cutie!

I was so embarrassed for Jamie. I felt myself get all flushed for her.. :rofl:

What's so sad is I really liked Todd and now he has ta pull this upcoming crap.. :rolleyes:

My top 4 hit list in order:

1) Courtney

2) PG

3) Todd

4) JR

Last week was hard to watch! YUCK!! :puke:
JR is gone

I hate Courtney, she is gross to look at. Far too skinny. She needs to eat more, put on some muscle or something.

I'm rooting for

1. Todd
2. Amanda
2. James
4. Frosti
Glad JR is gone. I was holding my breath for a min there--afraid James was going. Well, at least now he knows he's in danger. He might think twice about using one of his immunity idols now. I think Erik is cute and nice, too. I hope he doesn't get voted off soon. I also like Amanda and Denise. Ok--top 3 I want off:

1. Todd--he's too wily and a threat to James
2. Courtney--too bony and whiny--pissed me off that she won immunity
3. PG--still annoyed about her throwing the challenge and she's amost as devious as Todd

That immunity challenge seemed to favor lighter people--the heaviest ones fell off first. Perfect for courtney. I wonder how much she weighs. The reward challenge annoyed me b/c no one wanted the fat girl on their team. I understood how Denise felt--I was always one of the last to get picked like that in gym class. Completely demoralizing. As it turns out--they would've probably done better having Denise over Courtney b/c C is so freakin' weak, and Denise is strong and would've have been better at chucking water into the boat.

Here's who I'd like to see in the final four:
1. james
2. amanda
3. denise
4. erik
Denise could very easily win by simply flying under the radar until it's too late to stop her. Still hoping for James to win though, if he can win the rest of the immunities he should be fine.

The immunity did seem to be a bit stacked in favour of lighter members though James did do a good job of saving himself several times.

Hit list
1. PG : I don't think anyone can trust her and throwing that challenge was just dishonouring the whole spirit of survivor ( especially since the motto is not outwit outplay outlast this year)
2. Courtney: Too whiny and not really playing the game.
3. Erik: i just can;t get a feel for him and while i love fly under the radar people he's just too bland to really have my vote

Rooting for: James and Frosti
Well, I was hoping PG would get the boot, and then she had to go and win immunity. :ack2:

I'm wondering if anyone will ever wise up to Todd and boot the wiley bastard
Todd is the mastermind. He is playing the game so good right now. I guess PG is on the block next week unless she can win again. We will see.
I'm not sure why you all like James so much! He drives me crazy...he thinks he is so great and that he deserves to eat more etc. Courtney also annoys me, simply because she doesn't do anything...and she complains all the time. I would hate to see Amanda in the top 4...she simply got in the "in crowd" and is coasting along quite nicely. Actually come to think of it i really don't like anyone on the show this year....
Damn. There goes my eye candy. I can't believe he didn't play one of his immunity idols. I'll bet he feels like a fool--the only one to ever have TWO immunity idols and still get voted out with both of them in his possession. He was crazy not to play one of them--he'd still have one left. Dumbass!

Well, now I want Erik to win. He's the only one left that I like. Him or Denise. I was impressed with her Kung Foo fighting. :D
I'm not sure why you all like James so much! He drives me crazy...he thinks he is so great and that he deserves to eat more etc.

My fiancee agrees with you and so do i part. The other part of me says good game man good game. he was annoying at times and his ' better than thou' attitude was not endearing to all but certainly not unique for this game. ( does anyone remember Rob ujdbnsjd I could have strangled him) James got away with stuff becuase he held a power position which the others let him have in return for winning them so many challenges.

I have no clue who the final two will be but chances are i'm not going to like them.

One year they need to do a giant survivor reunion. I want to see James and Colby in the same room. I want to see Johnny rotten taunt people. I want me some catfights.
Goddammit! They keep voting off all my eye candy. :cuss::cuss: Now all I've got to look at is scrawny Todd and his scrawny bitches--and Denise. :sifone:

I was hoping Denise would vote for Todd, but she wussed out. They're talking like they're gonna vote Todd off next week, so you know they're not really going to. Just trying to get my hopes up. :cuss:

How much you wanna bet Courtney ends up winning the whole thing? that will really piss me off.
LOL Kimberly!


When I first came in here, it went right to yer post and I LMAO bc I heard/saw Cartman! :biggrinjester:

I agree...What a mess!

I screamed & cussed when James left last week.

His own damn fault though for bein' greedy with the idols! :toetap05:

I hope Denise can hang in..

If she goes I will not finish watching this season bc it'll be a waste of my time.

I could care less about the other idiots/snobs left...
Ha! I'm actually starting to like PG and was hoping they'd vote out Todd tonight. I can just see it now--Todd and Courtney in the final and Courtney wins....aggghhhh :ack2:
I hope courtney wins!!!!

Ha! I'm actually starting to like PG and was hoping they'd vote out Todd tonight. I can just see it now--Todd and Courtney in the final and Courtney wins....aggghhhh :ack2:

Only so that the girl can go buy something to eat!!!!


I am amazed every season how there will always be one ultra skinny contestant at the beginning who literally fades away by the time they are booted. Courtney looks soooooooooooooooo unhealthy that I actually feel sorry for her. I think I would rather be fat than that skinny any day of the week.

My fave now is Denise. She seems pretty down to earth and isnt stirring up the pot much. Could work very well in her favour, though coud also single her out as a target soon by one of the alliances.

Denise was foolish not to vote with PeiGhee and Erik. I was grateful that Todd won over Amanda and Courtney to tell you the truth. Amanda sat there telling Denise that she wouldn't write her name down, and then did, even after Todd pissed her off. Plus she was the brains behind voting James off--although he was an idiot to trust them and not play one of his idols.

And Courtney--well, I'd rather almost anyone won over her. :D

Ok, I cannot belive Erik is still a virgin. Someone needs to tap that hot ass. :drool5::drool5: