Survey for Dads

Hey all,

If any of you out there are dads struggling with fat loss or time to workout, please take this quick survey for a product I plan to release.

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I did it, but my answers will be skewed because I'm a stay-at-home dad. For that reason, I don't have as many limitations as most dads (I might be a little crazier and shell shocked though)
Thats cool but I couldn't answer a couple of the questions. I make fitness and nutrition a priority.

What suffers the most is time with my kids during the week. Especially on weight training days. On running days I take my 2 older ones with me. They bike while I ride.

I'd say the biggest limiting factor is my wife's unwillingness to learn about nutrtition and her twisted logic on what is actually healthy for you.

She tihnks olive oil is horrible for you while spray Pam is the best thing out there. LMAO
thanks gt