Surprising Tricks for Shredded Abs

It seems like these days every expert has an opinion on what to do in order to attain those coveted chiseled abs, yet none of it works. It turns out that the best ways to burn belly fat are shockingly unconventional.

The stomach is one of the most stubborn areas when it comes to fat loss. Today, quick tips to lose belly fat are all the rage as people search tirelessly for ways to banish their belly fat forever. Unfortunately, many of those people are not successful. Is it all about the food you eat? Or the number of crunches you’re pushing out every night? It seems like there is no consensus.

Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Certified Nutrition Specialist Mike Geary just might have come up with the answer. According to Mike, people are going about it all wrong. In fact, the best exercise to do when trying to get a six pack, is no exercise at all.
Ab exercises build ab muscles that just push the layer of fat on top of it out and make the stomach appear bigger!

People are struggling day in and day out to get a lean stomach, but they are going about it all wrong. So what’s the answer?

Mike lays out the 5 facts that you have to understand if you ever hope to lose your stubborn stomach fat:

1. The “health foods” that are advertised today, are actually junk foods disguised as healthy goods, that will actually stimulate you to gain more stomach fat than lose it. The food market industry actually lies to consumers in order to maximize their profits.

2. The common ab exercises like sit-ups, crunches, and ab machines are not effective. They are actually the least effective method of getting abs.

3. Doing hours of cardio is not a good way to lose body fat. Not only is it boring and monotonous, it’s highly ineffective.

4. All of the ab gimmicks like ab belts and ab loungers are really a waste of money and time.

5. Fat burning pills and diet supplements will not help you lose fat. Many of them are actually dangerous.


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Spam however is a great training aid. Not eating it of course, reading it.
This increases aggression levels and with it the ability to train harder bringing you one step closer to chiselled abs.

Some of the points at the end are spot on, which is ironic considering the rest of this looks like a marketing gimmick for another unbalanced and possibly dangerous routine and diet plan.
Of course I could be wrong and this person could be very genuine and not lying for profit at all. We will see if they come back with some thing about what to do not scaremongering about what not to.
If they don't try some of the numerous threads on here written by experience, non-profiteering members.

By the way in case you didn't know spam in food form is as nasty as the electronic variety, well maybe not quite as nasty.
You mean - span fritters are not on your top ten dinner meals?

I don't agree with the statement 'Doing hours of cardio is not a good way to lose body fat. Not only is it boring and monotonous, it’s highly ineffective'. It is certainly not boring and I do cardio 5 times a week with some strength training and I did lose the excess weight over the past few years. So I probably cannot offer a scientific reason - I'm only an engineer!
Doing low intensity static state cardio alone is not very effective at burning body fat. We are by nature a roaming hunter gatherer, so when the body is getting less food in than it is burning and just doing gentle plodding it assumes you are travelling to a new place to find food because there was none where you have just been. In order to ensure survival the body drops the metabolism to conserve energy, meaning you burn less energy than normal at rest and while doing low intensity activity.
To combat this you add in some higher intensity work like strength training to accompany it and that stops the metabolism drop, just as you did. Unfortunately the headline readers will just have seen cardio doesn't work and not have a clue that it does as part of a balanced program.
Spammers like this are relying on people being ignorant. Knowledge threatens their profitability.
I do find it weird to suggest that cardio doesn’t do anything. I agree with everything else but the constant cardio managed to drop my body fat to an acceptable level where my abs actually meant something instead of just serving core stability. I think that we should not generalize when it comes to cardio, otherwise good stuff.
"the best exercise to do when trying to get a six pack, is no exercise at all."

So, in order to get a good looking six pack(Which is your ab muscles), is to not workout at all? Don't work the muscle that makes up your six pack if you want to have a six pack?

maybe not quite as nasty.