

I am a freshman in college and am having a hard time finding workout time and the ability to eat right. This past summer I was in great shape and almost hade a 6 pack completely defined. Now its gone. I dont know anything about suppliments, but is there anything that is safe and will help me increase metabolism and cut fat? My focus is also shifting towards getting bigger but I can focus on that later. Right now im worried about keeping myself in shape knowing that I wont be able to workout/eat the way id like. ANy suggestions?

You might try supplementing a meal with a protein powder. You'll want to increase feedings (if you're not eating ~5-7 times a day or every 2-3 hours), decrease calories, and increase your intake of protein as you decrease calories.
Aside from that though, if you're not going to be active, no supplement is gonna make up for that.

Since it sounds like you can't devote a lot of time to training, I think evo's idea of just making sure you have enough protein to prevent significant muscle loss is the best plan of attack. Add a daily multivitamin too.