Sport Supplements

Sport Fitness
Does anyone know a good set of supplements to incorperate into training and diet? If someone can give me a list of brand names with what they do I would be most appreciative as I've no experience in using these things, and as they're expensive I don't wanna be wasting my cash!

My goal is to lower my bf% and to get stronger, I train as often as I can using a combination of heavier weights w/ lower reps and cardio. I don't want to put any weight on either so creatine is a no-go area for me too.

Thanks in advance
whey protein powder
creatine powder

go to GNC
To get stronger you're necessarily going to be putting on weight. Question is, are you burning fat faster than you're adding muscle?

For fat burning, thermogenics are generally the way to go. Thermogenics (like Xenadrine, Tight, Ephedrine, Caffeine, Pyruvate, CLA, etc.) increase your daily caloric burn. Some are stimulant (that is, they give you energy) and others aren't. By burning more calories throughout the day, you lose more weight obviously.

For muscle building, step #1 is protein. If you're getting enough protein in your diet, then I'd look at creatine. Creatine increases muscular energy, so what that means is you're getting better workouts. It's not necessarily a "weight gainer" - though of course, more muscle means more weight.

Recently the NO2 formulas (Super Pump 250, Powerpump, etc.) have become really popular, combining nootropics (brain and focus), creatine (muscular energy), nitric oxide (blood transport), amino acids (muscular fuel and repair), thermogenics (weight loss and energy) and a number of recovery nutrients. A month's supply runs around $50 - $60, but these are very effective "all-around" supplements for athletes.
Iffy - by any chance are you in Canada? If so, there are many better places to buy supplements than GNC... Check out (Popeye's Supplements) or (Sports Nutrition Depot). I've shopped both, and I they both have excellent prices, shipping policies, etc.

If you're in the U.S. or International, I don't know of any other location that I can recommend.
R W Elphinstone said:
Iffy - by any chance are you in Canada? If so, there are many better places to buy supplements than GNC... Check out (Popeye's Supplements) or (Sports Nutrition Depot). I've shopped both, and I they both have excellent prices, shipping policies, etc.

If you're in the U.S. or International, I don't know of any other location that I can recommend.

Even if your in the U.S. there are lots better places to buy supps than GNC. Just open your yellow pages, go to fitness stores, close your eyes and point.
right now my goals are the same as yours, lowering bodyfat % and getting stronger. i'm doing great, i've dropped my bodyfat % greatly and i'm now lifting more weight than i have ever lifted in my life (which isnt really alot cause i'm not that strong but what the hay) :D

only supplements i use are pretty much the ones i use year round: a multi-vitamin/mineral, vitamin C, a b-complex, glucosamine, milk/egg protein powder, whey powder, fish and flax oil.

but i kicked my training and my nutrition up and even got my sleeping habits in fine order. thats where i'm getting my results from. ;)
Those're some really good improvements, abear - and also a really good nutrition routine. You're taking stuff for HEALTH rather than, well, there are a lot of bad reasons people have for doing whatever it is they're doing. I really admire that (as I try to be the same way).
cool, fil. good deal, we're pretty much in the same boat you could say :)

although i have to admit my outlook on things has changed greatly in the last few months based on family problems. i realized i forgot why i'm doing all this. ;)