Supplements/vitamins to heal tendons?


New member
I got some muscles and tendons and whatever else is in my wrists/hands/forearms elbows healing from severe overuse. Anybody have ideaw for some supplements/vitamins that may help with the healing which has been many months in the going. I was thinking perhaps calcium. Doctors haven't suggested anything to me, but they don't even know what is wrong anyways.
From time to time I have sought homeopathic remedies and I have found the pharmacist to be helpful. It may be worth you trying that.
I dont really know supplements or vitamins off hand that can aid you. But to help repair your muscle tissues and tendons try and up your protein 30% of your normal intake. Having added protein can really help the body function better in repairing itself. Hope that helps.
I got some muscles and tendons and whatever else is in my wrists/hands/forearms elbows healing from severe overuse. Anybody have ideaw for some supplements/vitamins that may help with the healing which has been many months in the going. I was thinking perhaps calcium. Doctors haven't suggested anything to me, but they don't even know what is wrong anyways.

Umm, if what you are saying is true, then you're answering your own question. And, your doctors are complete morons that need to go back to The School Of Common Sense and work on getting their degree in "NO SHIT"...

I got some muscles and tendons and whatever else is in my wrists/hands/forearms elbows healing from severe overuse.

If your muscles, joints, tendons or whatever are hurting from SEVERE OVERUSE, then...stop using them? Just give your body a rest. It's not all that hard to figure out, you know?

"Doctor, my knees hurt really bad. Can you help me?"
"Well, I'll do my best. First, I'll need to know what you do throughout the day. Maybe there is some activity that is putting stress on your knees, which will give us a clue."
"Well, I play catcher on my baseball team, I lift weights for 2 hours a day, I jog at least 5 miles each morning and I work as a stockboy in a grocery store after school, which is located at the top of a huge hill that I have to walk up each morning."
"...I guess we'll never know why your knees hurt."
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Off the top of my head, absolutely nothing you can take orally works for tendons. Sadly, tendons happen to be poorly supplied by the cardiovascular system (basic anatomy here) compared to other tissues and thus take *forever* to heal. Maybe a brace will help, maybe not, but the best thing would be to *rest* those tendons and muscles for a while. Calcium is for bone structure mostly (it plays a role in the regulation of muscle and nervous cells, but not much calcium is needed for that) so additional calcium will do you no good.

Oh, and homeopathy? I personally find it odd that water can remember whatever you just completely diluted away but can't remember all the dino poo that went through it. and wait.
I have had good luck in the past with a dietary supplement that includes glucosamine and condroiton (sp). There are studies that have linked them to cartilage health. Of course like everyone else has said rest is the most important factor in letting your joints recover.