Sport Supplements (vitamins/brain) Questions

Sport Fitness
I am looking for supplements to help me with my sport and be able to track the ball faster and also for my major (art) in focusing. I have trouble paying attention and reacting fast in the outfield a lot of times. It is not just softball that I have trouble paying attention and focusing in. I have trouble remembering what I read when I read stuff, which makes it harder to understand what is being read. I also have trouble paying attention in conversations sometimes and at school. I catch myself a lot daydreaming even when I am actually thinking I am paying attention. My vision is good though, just the ability to focus for a certain amount of time is the problem (paying attention) and mind wondering. I am 22 years old, my mind should already be trained to not do this after years of school. My brain should be a normal brain functioning like everyone elses. I have always had trouble with reading comprehension and such because of the pay attention problem.

Can anyone recommend any websites with supplement ratings or good message boards with good experts on them about nutrition and supplements or recommend a good supplement that will work and proven results? I am not sure of this message board is the right one to ask about this or not. I found one website but they are hardly any reviews there. I am looking for supplements for my concentration/focus/paying attention/being alert and energy, good Vitamin C and E brands, and possibly any other vitamin I need that we don't get very much daily. I know I do not need any vitamin D, A, or Calcium because I drink milk everyday (I also have cereal for breakfast and also vitamin D orange juice with calcium). I have also read that too much Vitamin A is not good. I think I need Vitamin C, E, B12, and also make sure at least 100mg of magnesium is involved? Anyone know anything about gotu kola or ginko biloba (what brand to get) for memory and concentration? higher the price the better right or not always true?

I know nothing about supplements and I do not want to get the wrong one and something that will not give me results. There are many out there and I have no idea what brand to watch out for, what brand to get, etc. Some of these are not cheap, so I do not want to be wasting a bunch of money.

According to , we should have daily...

Vitamin A - no more than 2,500-3000 IU
Vitaman B6: at least 3.7 mg
Vitamin B12: daily intake of 25 mcg
Vitamin C: 1,200 mg
Vitamin D: 1,000 IU
Vitamin E: 400 IU
Vitamin K: at least 90 micrograms (mcg)
Calcium: 1,000-1,500 mg

There are some Vitamins we do not get enough of even if we are eating healthy everyday (fruits/veggies, fish, etc), so a supplement is needed; otherwise, there would not be any.
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