Supplements soon ILLEGAL! (Not a Hoax)


If this goes thru, vitamins, minerals, EFA's, Amino Acids, Creatine, etc will all be sold on the Black Market by Drug Dealers. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?

Three Steps and 11 Months to Diffuse the Ticking Time Bomb Threatening Your Access to Vitamins and Minerals

see full article here ==>

5,000 Products Set to Disappear

Americans must never lose the right to choose and buy supplements ... types and sizes of vitamins will be declared illegal by the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization ...

No Glutamine, arginine, no carnitine, no tryptophan, nothing. DHA or EPA. And no beta-carotene, no mixed carotenoids, no MSM, no boron ... The list goes on and on.

The FDA's wildest dream -- and our worst nightmare -- is about to come true. The EU Directive classifies vitamins and minerals in Europe as "medical drugs."

It gets worse: There are many nutrients known to be vital to optimal health that are not on the government's RDA nutrient list including chromium picolinate, lysine, and selenium. Under the directive, these types of supplements are banned from over-the-counter sale. Put simply, it will be illegal to buy them without a prescription.

The supplements that will be available will be restricted to multi-vitamins containing no more than 100 percent of the established RDA amounts, which are usually useless, trivial quantities -- and they'll be far more expensive than what we have now.

This directive, for all intents and purposes, makes it illegal for people to keep themselves healthy by supplementing with essential nutrients.

Plus, the directive only allows supplements to be made from a list of 15 minerals and 13 vitamins. That leaves out at least 40 minerals important to the human metabolism and forbids the use of the most bio-available forms of vitamin complexes.

Approximately 350 supplement ingredients are missing from the list. If they are not added to the list by June 2005, they will be deemed illegal.

As a result, around 5,000 safe formulas and nutrients that have been on the market for decades will soon be banned.

To find out how to fight this, go here ==>