Supplements for running


I am training for an Event in the UK called Tough Guy. It involves a 13 mile run accross country with an assault course over the last 3 ish miles. I have been doing small 1-2 mile runs twice a week for the last 5 weeks and this week I did a 4.5 mile run at a good pace, had to stop and walk for 200m then could run again. I am cutting out all caffine and alcohol along with bad fats. Trying to have a nice healthy balanced diet.
What I would like to know is are there any supplements that I could take to help with my progress.
I am 27, 5,10, 12st 7 lbs, low 18% body fat.
Creatine claims to provide increased indurance, decreased muscle fatique etc. Id definately consider it :)
creatine in my opinion is slightly Controversial, however for running i would be more concentrated on light protein supplements (whey protein mix), and during your runs, consume energy products such as gels, sharkies, shot bloks. This will provide you will the energy you need during your race, keep in mind that a balanced, clean meal plan will provide you with all of the other nutrients needed.
creatine in my opinion is slightly Controversial, however for running i would be more concentrated on light protein supplements (whey protein mix), and during your runs, consume energy products such as gels, sharkies, shot bloks. This will provide you will the energy you need during your race, keep in mind that a balanced, clean meal plan will provide you with all of the other nutrients needed.

Dude have you read how many reputable peer reviewed studies have been done on creatine? Its not controversial. Protein takes a while to digest. During a race you need easy to digest carbohydrate to replenish your glycogen stores and water to keep you hydrated. Maybe some electrolyte gels etc. Protein is pretty well after carbohydrate on the bodies preferred energy source while running.
Dude...o2...Thats the stuff, man.... Just try to get as much as you can during your run...


You are not going to find any sups that will have even a noticeable impact on your running performance. Focus on training, eating, and hydrating correctly. Check your running form. Cut out any non-essential arm movements. Watch your stride length. Look to see if you bounce too much when you run. Notice how your foot is hitting the ground. Try not to slump over when you run. Use good running clothes and correct shoes.

In less words; Little things in your training and actual running are going to make the difference. Not a pill.
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Shouldn't people training for a marathon be carb-loading. There is a page on the and they state :-

Marathon diet said:
Fuel your marathon training

Carbohydrate regime to meet training and racing demands

To meet the challenge of your marathon training are you fuelling up enough on carbohydrates? Your training diet is critical to help the body prepare for the race. The training diet should consist of approximately 60% of energy from carbohydrates, 20-30% from fat and 10-20% from protein. A regular high intake of carbohydrate allows you to get the most out of your training.