Supplements for a beginner

Well im joining the army need to lose some weight and tone up is there any supplements i could/should be taking to help me?
a multi-vitamin, some fish oil capsules, and perhaps a protein powder if you don't eat enough protein in the rest of your diet.

beyond that, the only other useful one is creatine, and its' not 'make or break'. in fact, the water weight it puts on might discourage you a little at first.

more than anything, eat right, and eat clean. diet affects weight loss the most.
Forcus on quality not quantity. You could take a multivitamin, but most on the market are of little good to you body as they are unable to be properly absorbed and utilized in your body. So I would recommend researching quality 'whole-food' vitamins. Don't buy them at Walmart.

I recommend Standard Process Vitamins. They are organic whole-food synergistic vitamins that have one of a kind properties to them; the best I have come across. And the best part is, they are affordable!

But because 99% of todays population is calcium defficent, I would recommend taking a good calcium supplement. But make sure you are aware that there are 2 seperate types of calcium: 1. that which goes directly to your bones and teeth, 2. that which is absorbed into the blood. For instance, calcium phosphate powder will go directly to your bones, calcium magnesium or some calcium lactate tablets go to your blood. Its best to consume a combination of the powder and tablets, as one with strengthen bone structure and the other regulate your PH level, which is important because a Ph of 7 or higher disallows carcinoma (cancer) cells to begin formation in the human body.

You should also take a multi-vitamin. Again, I would point you to the standard process multivitamin called 'Catalyn'.

It wouldn't hurt you to take a special vitamin complex such as Cataplex ACP,& D, and the B-Complex vitamins consisting of Cataplex G and Cataplex B.

If you have trouble digesting proteins, think about a good enzyme, and if you dont consume enough veggies, think about including a scoop of energy greens into a shake every day.

That should give you a great start.
I recommend Standard Process Vitamins. They are organic whole-food synergistic vitamins that have one of a kind properties to them; the best I have come across. And the best part is, they are affordable!

What's the price?

They don't list it and I'm very skeptical of any company that feels it needs to keep that secret.
They don't list it because they only sell to doctors or practitioners....or people who have health certifications. When I say affordable, I mean like under 15$ a bottle for 30-60 tablets. They are the brand I use.
You could take a multivitamin, but most on the market are of little good to you body as they are unable to be properly absorbed and utilized in your body.

That reminds me of an expiriment we did in chemistry, a bowl's worth of total cerial, some distilled water, and a magnet mixer... after stirring the soggy flakes for a few minutes, the magnet will have iron shavings attached to it. You see, the FDA doesn't specify between the negative 2 ion that your body needs, and the stuff you build skyscrapers out of. Hence, total cereal litterally drops metal shavings in, and is allowed to put 100% DV of Iron on the label...

I suspect the same thing happens with a lot of vitamins.
I'd be inclined to add a high strength vitamin C to the list too. It boosts energy levels and wards off any colds n stuff. Good supplement.

Check me out:
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