Supplements/Diet suggestions for a runner trying to gain weight too

I'm a 20 year old guy who is on his way to the police academy when I graduate from college in 2012. In preparation for that field, I've been working pretty hard on just getting in great shape overall. I recently began doing some distance running to cut down on body fat, and that combined with P90X really gave me some huge improvements.

So right now I'm about 6 feet tall, and approximately 185 pounds. I'm done with P90X, but I'm still using the ab ripper x workout 3 days a week as part of my ab routine, but I'm adding some other ab workouts to it as well. I lift 3 days a week, mainly arms, shoulders, chest, back, and some squats and leg press for my legs.

In addition to that I'm running 4-6 days a week (training for a marathon, did a half marathon last spring), nothing crazy, right now just 3-4 miles a day with a long day every once in a while. Obviously I'm planning on increasing that distance as the marathon gets closer, but I'm not running it for a record time, it's more of a "just for fun" thing with some of my friends.

So here's my issue- I'm in pretty good shape, but I want to try and increase my overall body weight to about 200-210 pounds in the next two years before graduation. And I realize that running that often isn't extremely helpful, but I need to keep my endurance up + I'm one of those sick people who enjoys running. I'm following a fairly strict diet, lots of low-fat proteins (chicken, egg whites, whey protein powder, that kind of stuff) no junk (sugars/ice cream/pops/etc) lots of water, veggies, and fruit, whole grains, you know the drill. I'm also trying to eat a large amount of all these foods, because I'm burning a lot of calories during my workout.

My question is this: without sacrificing any of my workout plan (mainly the running), what can I do to increase my muscle gain in the next two years? Are there any supplements I should be taking other than or in addition to whey protein? I'm staying away from Creatine, but is there anything else? Some of my friends tell me it's impossible to gain muscle while running this much, but I think if I really watch what I eat it's not gonna be a problem. So I would really appreciate your insight and ideas on this, and if you've got any specific questions on my workout or diet I'd be glad to answer them. Thanks!
Determine how many calories you burn from your runs, and you're just going to have to force more than that into your body. Maybe look into a protein mass gainer. It's basically just a protein shake, but it contains around 700+ calories.