Weight-Loss Supplements and Fiber

I have lost approx 50 pounds since the begining of this year. So, as I go along and continue my success, I have been incorperating other things in my new lifestyle that will benefit my health and nutrition.

I take a daily multivitamin along with a B complex, daily fiber (in addition to supplement what I eat), and will be starting fish oil once I do more research.

Before losing my weight, and maybe to some extent now still, I had insulin resistance and taking metformin.

I will follow with another post about these decisions.


I am listing my journal as a way to recieve support and in no way am offering nutrition infomation to anyone.

Please talk to you doctor or a registered dietician familiar with your health needs to see what will be best for you.

I do feel I have a professional obligation to inform those who will read this of the above statement.

I am a liscensed healthcare provider. Everyones needs differ dependeing on existing and potential health/illness states.

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