Supplement Stack Suggestions

Hello There... I have been doing research on the most popular supplement stacks, what is the best to take, what is recommended etc... It seems like all the supplement companies out there put stacks together consisting of their products which makes sense for them, but not the consumer like me.

I am new to the whole stack concept, and think it is just a collection of supplements that make sense to take... I want to know what type of stacks people buy, would want to buy, what works... I take a multi-vitamin (Men's One A Day), a protein (ISS Whey Matrix), and a Creatine (Elite Delivery Technologies Elite-K).... sometimes also include a NO product like (LG Sciences Cold Fusion Explosion)... this is my idea of a stack.... what do you all use and like? If you had to put the ultimate stack together that you would want to purchase but cant find anywhere what would it be?

Have fun with it!!
Welcome to the site!

You're right, a 'stack' is just a combination of supplements that all lend themselves towards a specific goal.

multivitamin is a good idea
so are fish oil caps (omega 3)
protein powders help us get all the protein we need in a day...not required cuz it can be done with whole food, but it sure makes things easier/convenient
creatine isn't mandatory, but it IS a proven effective supplement. but you don't need anything fancy. plain creatine monohydrate, for about $15 for 500g (that's at least 3 months supply of daily doses). put the creatine into your post workout shake to improve absorption.

skip the NO products. they'll increase the blood pump to your muscles...but that's it. so far they've proven no benefit to the all you're paying for is a cosmetic, temporary pump.

I think all NO products should come with an eye liner pencil, so you can draw a six-pack on your abs, and complete the cosmetic/fluff look :)

has some stacks for bulking and fat loss, and their small product line is a testiment to the fact they only sell stuff that works (in other words, they only sell creatine monohydrate, and no NO products).
Thanks Malkore,

I will definitely check out the stacks offered by the site you posted.

I would love to hear from others what exactly they use, what has worked and what hasn't... I only use NO products once in a while, but find they really helped with energy and vascularity also... has been more than just temporary for me.

Thanks Again and keep the advice coming.