Supplement question

Hi, I'm 18 years old and just started lifting about 2 months ago. I've been taking Cytogainer from GNC, but I decided to stop because I don't really like the use of Creatine. I think it was working well for me though, because I managed to gain about 5-7 lbs of weight, and I believe it was Muscle Mass. I'm 5'10 and 140lbs, so yes I am an ectomorph. So my question is, what should I take to replace my Cytogainer?
I'm pretty sure I'm going to use Optimum Nutrition's Whey Protein, but I was thinking of adding in some Maltodextrins and dextrose carbs in. The cytogainer had about 900 calories with skim milk, so I'm thinking that drinking a combination of protein/dextrose post workout, then protein/malto right before bed. Also, should I take any shake before my workout? I'm open to suggestions of anything else that I should be taking, but I really don't want creatine.

In addition, I was wondering if I should take multivitamins, antioxidants, green leaves and stuff like that. I've never really taken any supplements before, but I think that such vitamins would help me in getting my energy levels up. So any info on those vitamins would be good.

Finally, I'm wondering what kind of supplements my parents should take? They are both in their early/mid fifties and slighly overweight by about 10 lbs. I'm starting to become concerned about their health and was wondering what types of supplements they should take, seeing as how they are probably going to be different than mine. I don't really think they want fat-burning pills, just supplements for their health.

Any ideas on where to buy these products online would also be great =)
Thanks for reading this long message and I am hopeful that I'll get some great responses.:)
Finally, I'm wondering what kind of supplements my parents should take? They are both in their early/mid fifties and slighly overweight by about 10 lbs. I'm starting to become concerned about their health and was wondering what types of supplements they should take, seeing as how they are probably going to be different than mine. I don't really think they want fat-burning pills, just supplements for their health.

Supplements are just that... supplements to your daily diets. They are not intended to magically make you better just because you're taking it. If your parent's diet are down the drain, then any amount of supplements won't do a thing other than providing additional vitamins & minerals, which may be good to some degree, but overall it won't do anything to promote healthy lifestyle. If you want to be a help to your parents, considered getting them a good nutritional consoler for their age instead of a bunch of supplements.

As for fat burners, this is a fad diet. Most fat burners work to some degree if your parents diet are high in fat. Most of the fat is flushed out of the system during normal bm. In cases where diets are high in fat, the bathroom may become something embarrassing. Other fat burners work in a unhealthy fashion which could cause damage to many parts of the body depending on what is in it. Fat burners, along with any other type of diet pills, should be avoided at all cost; there is no magic pill.
Hi, I'm 18 years old and just started lifting about 2 months ago. I've been taking Cytogainer from GNC, but I decided to stop because I don't really like the use of Creatine. I think it was working well for me though, because I managed to gain about 5-7 lbs of weight, and I believe it was Muscle Mass. I'm 5'10 and 140lbs, so yes I am an ectomorph. So my question is, what should I take to replace my Cytogainer?
I'm pretty sure I'm going to use Optimum Nutrition's Whey Protein, but I was thinking of adding in some Maltodextrins and dextrose carbs in. The cytogainer had about 900 calories with skim milk, so I'm thinking that drinking a combination of protein/dextrose post workout, then protein/malto right before bed. Also, should I take any shake before my workout? I'm open to suggestions of anything else that I should be taking, but I really don't want creatine.

WELCOME to the forum. You are among many friends here......I wish you the best in all that you set out to do.

Getting the whey powder is a good idea as is the pre and post workout meals.
Creatine has some minor benefits, but in my opinion, isnt what marketers and/or makers of product brands claim it to be.

I dont know the TYPE of creatine you were taking; however, if it was mono it is POSSIBLE a certain percentage of the weight you gained was water.

I would suggest minimizing the focus on supplements and maximizing your vision on your diet. This is the true diet supplement beyond anything else.

In addition, have you determined your caloric level per day according to your activities? What type of training program have you followed?

In addition, I was wondering if I should take multivitamins, antioxidants, green leaves and stuff like that. I've never really taken any supplements before, but I think that such vitamins would help me in getting my energy levels up. So any info on those vitamins would be good.

A multivitamin is a good idea.

Finally, I'm wondering what kind of supplements my parents should take? They are both in their early/mid fifties and slighly overweight by about 10 lbs. I'm starting to become concerned about their health and was wondering what types of supplements they should take, seeing as how they are probably going to be different than mine. I don't really think they want fat-burning pills, just supplements for their health.

Im 46 years old and one of the senior members, in age, on the forum. I take a multivitamin (and flax seed and fish old gels), and nothing else.

----->Yes, there is a fat loss supplement: Utilizing the human body in a Deficit Diet.

1. It has no equal. Its power is nearly unspeakable and makes all so-called fat loss pills a placebo in comparison.

2.The deficit diet does not age discriminate; therefore, your parents would fit right in.

Outside of any health issues, unknown to me, a multivitam would do them good.

How do your parents feel about being overweight slightly by 10 pounds? Have you talked to them? What are the chances of them going on a diet and exercising program?

Alot hinges on their personal perspective.

Best wishes to you my friend,

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but I decided to stop because I don't really like the use of Creatine.

This rang a bell, what is it that you don't like about creatine? It's effective and completely safe

Other than that I don't see the need more suppliments at all really, you'd do best by concentrating on your diet and training. Suppliments can come later once you've got everything else in order
I too am curious why you don't like creatine...considering your body already makes it in smaller quanities, and that no scientific research has shown serious negative effects on creatine use.