Supplement question?

Im about to take a cycle of superdrol. Im in the military and I have been told that I can take it...Well I dont wanna stur the pot and and have me questioned about it, so thats where my question comes in. I have to take a physical the 10th of may.. not a big deal but they are taking my blood for HIV tests and I was wondering if anything in superdrol would show up??? Anyone know?
I doubt they'll look at your hormone levels.. Be careful, if you're susceptible to gyno you'll probably get it. A lot of people who took it also did a PCT since it is just like a prohormone.
Not to sound like a dick bro, but if you dont know the answer to that question, you havent researched it enough.
Messing with your hormones is a big deal. If it is done in a controlled manner with the proper precautions (PCT etc as Mreik mentioned) then it can be controlled.

I would really recommend that you thoroughly research superdrol before you use it.

Here is an article that outlines a fair chunk of what superdrol will do to/for you.

This isnt like taking creatine.
Hey man,
Dont worry bout being a Dick thats why im here to learn..I have a list here of stuff im going to buy tomorrow to take while im on SD and the PCT...Im going to get Red Rice Yeast milk thistle (sp) and celery seed extract while im on and some Clomid...But I have another Question...I wanna take the clomid while im on SD but when my PCT starts after 4 weeks should I just keep taking Clomid or is there somthing I need to do to "initiate" the PCT. Any thing else You guys see that I might need to help fight the sides...Thanks for the help and dont worry about being blunt any advice is helpfull thanks so much Oh yea and some liver guard I dont drink or anything so Liver should be good buy better safe than sorry
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I'm with niceone, you're probably a little young to take prohormones (I'll assume you're early-mid 20's). But if you're going to do it anyway... take nolvadex during, and clomid after.
Agreed with the above 100%.

I'd research superdrol ALOT more before you consider using it. If you do choose to use it, make sure your taking nolva throughout and also have a proper PCT in place a mreik stated.
its rather dumb to take anything like that until you've reached your NATURAL potential.

I read countless stories about botched attempts.
I read countless stories about "after that first cycle, training never felt 'right' again unless I was on a cycle"

I cannot believe the military has said its' ok to dope up on prohormones and AAS's

I'm not 100% anti-steroid, unless the person doing it doesn't know what they're about to get themselves into.
After Jan 05 it was one of the few that was still left.. I think they just tapped it like 4-5 months ago.