supplement my knees

i was hoping to get some advice on weight gaining following a knee injury in order to prevent future knee injury. the knee injury came about 2 months ago while playing golf, i don't have health insurance but best guess on dx is either sub patellar lux or partial mcl tear. the knee is improving but I'm sure i'm prone to reinjureing the knee. I am lanky, 6'1 165 lbs aged 32, i wanted to build up the muscles around the knee and bulk up in the arms while i'm at it. I figured supplemented weight training for a few months would help reach these goals. My question is what supplements would be suggested and can weight can be accomplished without continuous supplementation after the initial build? I spoke to GNC person who suggested pro performance amp mass pre workout followed by amplified creatine post, but he also said once you start using these supplement to gain muscle mass you'll just lose all the muscle if you don't continue to use them. I imagine some of the muscle gained would necrotize or turn to fat if i worked out for 3 months w/supplements then stopped but would it still be helpful in building some support in the knees? thanks
The only supplement that you need is a good multi-vitamin. If your plan is to work out for a few months then stop my advice is don't bother. Getting healthier is a lifelong commitment. Also, muscle can never turn to fat.
ok thx for reply. i wouldn't say i'm unhealthy i just do cardio not much weight training. i want to put on some muscle/weight but all times i have hit the weight room consistently in the past i don't put on much muscle so i would have thought a supplement would help.
If your knee is healing, then I doubt it's a MCL tear. That's not something that would heal on its own.

I've been through knee injuries, and unfortunately, there's no easy solution. The knee is controlled and supported by so many muscles, tendons, and ligaments, that it'll take quite a bit of work to completely restablilize issues such as yours. It takes strengthening AND flexibility of all your muscles from the quads to glutes (yes, glutes) and all the tendons and ligaments - especially the IT band.

Unfortunately, it would take a professional physiotherapist to diagnose and treat the problem. I know you said that you don't have the insurance for it, but it's really the only reliable way to recover.

As a side not, NEVER trust a supplement store worker. (GNC guys, in all honesty, seem to have the worst track record.) These "consultants" tend to just be gym monkeys who got taken in by the same scams or snakes that are just trying to get you to come back regularly to buy more. I can tell you, with confidence, that you will NOT lose muscle mass if you stop taking supplements (especially that creatine thing he said. Oh man..). The only thing you need to do to maintain your muscles is to actually use them.
cool, what you said about the GNC peops is what i was looking for verification on. Good to get impartial take on it. I meant to write partial meniscus tear not mcl. i guess i'll do a conservative conditioning routine until i can get back on insurance.