Supplements i have.
1: protien powder= 2-4 serves a day
2: pure creatine= 1 on non workout days 2 on workout days
3: creatine with =dextrose 1 serve after workouts
4: naNO vapor= 1 serve b4 workout
5: Fish oil tablets 2 capsules 3 times a day
6: Multivitamin 1 pill 2 times a day
This seem all good ? Is there anything els i am missing or is recommended i should have?
1: protien powder= 2-4 serves a day
2: pure creatine= 1 on non workout days 2 on workout days
3: creatine with =dextrose 1 serve after workouts
4: naNO vapor= 1 serve b4 workout
5: Fish oil tablets 2 capsules 3 times a day
6: Multivitamin 1 pill 2 times a day
This seem all good ? Is there anything els i am missing or is recommended i should have?