Supplement For Starters


I just enrolled for in our local gym lately for muscle enhancement. I am currently 19 years old very new to the scene. This is actually my first time doing weights.

I was wondering what is the most common supplement suggested here for starters like me. I'm quite thin and not yet very muscular (but I'm starting to eat a lot).

I heard Amino Acid is good. Any comment on that? How about Creatine? Is that for the more developed muscles?

Thanks for the help!
None, LOL. I always tell my clients who are just starting to get the basics down before adding supplements into their regimes. Get the basics down of core nutrition and training down pact first. Why add supplements when you are doing the basics incorrectly? It does not make sense. If anything it is a waste of money.

The only thing you should even consider buying is a good whey protein powder since many of our schedules do not permit the time to eat whole food proteins 5-6 times per day.

However, if you are 19, are you in college? If so, most college students have more than enough time to eat 5-6 whole, natural meals. I know I did.

Just my 2 cents.
I agree with stroutman. Supplements arent like some magic formula. They are exactly what they say they are..they supplement or assist your nutrient intake. They help get you in balance nutritionally. Once you've got a decent diet worked out, and you see your may be lacking in a certain area, then look to supplements. But like what stroutman said, you shouldnt have much trouble meeting you macronutrient needs.
I must agree with the answers above... learn and execute the basics first. Supplements are just that - supplements.

So, what the hell are these so called "basics" anyway? Like it was mentioned ealier, if you are a student and getting freaky big, strong and vital are TRUE goals for you and, you are 100% commited... you will get super results following the keys below, I call them the "Primal Elements":

1. Think Right - set your strength and size goals and focus on nothing but them! post pictures of big or athletic icons around your room and when no one is looking... pretend that you are them!

2. Drink Right - Drink 1/2 your bodyweight in oz. of H2o Daily... preferablly from an "artesian" source like Evian.

3. Eat Right - Eat a small meal (balanced for your unique metabolic type) at least every 3 hours. Alway include some form of "eyes" foods with each meal... these are foods that have had eyes (cow, pig, chicken) or came from something with eyes (cheese, milk, eggs). Protien shakes are not suitable replacements for these foods... the foods that i mention are the foods that we have eaten for thousands of years... we are not desinged to digest and assimilate whey protien isolate sprinked with monosodium glutinate MSG.

4. Train hard - there is no subsitute for lifting heavy weights in a functional, multi-joint manner... squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows and presses.

5. Breathe - keeping your autonomic nervous system balanced is key to anabolic hormone production. testosterone, growth hormone, DHEA, are all secreated when you take a few minutes every day to practice deep belly breathing.

6. Sleep Hard - the secretion of the above mentioned anabolic hormones is also maximized by getting tons of quality sleep... get to bed no later than 10:30 pm and wake at 6:30.

Follow these suggestions and you will unleash the beast within!!!


Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"
Thanks, stoutman, Primal and the rest (Some great people here at fitness :)). These are very detailed and helpful tips.

stoutman, yes I am in college and I could easily grab a meal since I have the time. So you are suggesting me to basically eat a lot more meals than the amount I normally take? If so, the problem may be on appetite because sometimes I feel really full even if I tell myself to eat more. What should I be taking to increase my appetite?
First, get it out of your mind that you need to be taking some kind of supplement. Eating small, frequent, natural meals is the key to mastering your body. If you are trying to increase muscle mass, you should be eating at the very least, 5-6 meals each and every day.

Your meals should consist of a lean protein such as chicken, eggs, lean beef, turkey, fish, etc. You should also take in some complex carbs such as whole wheat pastas, wraps, breads, brown rice, oatmeal, etc. You should be getting in your good fats found in fish, oils, nuts, etc. Also, don't forget about fruits and veggies.

Your metabolism will adapt over time. You will get used to eating more food. Realize that this is a need if you really want to improve. For me, it was hard to eat so much in the beginning, but I pushed throught it b/c I knew what my ultimate goals were. I learned to never be hungry again. I consistenly supply my body with the required fuel to grow. I eat not for pleasure, but purely for fuel.
Thanks stoutman! I will definitely follow your advise and keep my progress updated here. So far, I've been doing weights for about 3 weeks now.
Good luck. Change is not something that will come overnight. However, if you consistently strive to improve not only in the gym, but with your mind and nutritional strategies.... great change will come over time. Just remember to be proactive and not reactive when it comes to your body.
Best thing for you too do is go to GNC and buy some Lipo-6 fat burner and some no xplode to help you with your workout routine. Let me know how that stuff works for you.
Tomahawk said:
Best thing for you too do is go to GNC and buy some Lipo-6 fat burner and some no xplode to help you with your workout routine. Let me know how that stuff works for you.

thats pretty bad advice. no xplode is a waste of money.
Tomahawk said:
Best thing for you too do is go to GNC and buy some Lipo-6 fat burner and some no xplode to help you with your workout routine. Let me know how that stuff works for you.

Wow! That might be the worst advice I have ever seen dished out. Here you have an individual who is just starting out and you are telling him the best step to take is to go out and buy supplements. I hope that you are not a professional in the field.
Yeah and those fat burners don't work, sorry. niether does no-xplode, i've tried it. just made me feel sick.