Supplement chat wit u coz i'm depressed + anxious? Nu 2 me!

It's about supplements. I've never done that. In the morning I'm suffering confusion and depression. I am on anti-depressants. Unfortunately by nite it's the opposite. I'm very high and can't/won't go to bed ... way past my bedtime now man. LOL. So in the morning it's like f********** where am i, has the escape pod been hit yet, am I Leia or Solo, I feel small? Got the idea? It's kinda slow. DEAD SLOW. At night I keep trying to get to bed early because I'm in recovery and I NEVER do. I am happy at night. I do everything faster. But I don't sleep. Medically speaking ... if I try anything other than WHEY --- you know, like Creatine or Glutamine (Which boosts my immune and recovery i.e. super bonus!) WILL I BE THROWN INTO AN "ANABOLIC CONDITION" WHICH MAKES ME HAPPY IN THE MORNING BUT INCREASES MY INSOMNIA/SPEED AT NITE? Short and sweet really.
neither of those supplements are going to make you 'anabolic'. In fact, the whey protein shake is what would keep you in an anabolic (muscle building) state.

without prying into your personal life too much, what are you diagnosed with? bi-polar? manic-depressive?
what med(s) are you on, and for how long? some of those meds are mild, some are extreme. nearly all take quite a while to start working (6-8 weeks for MAOI inhibiters and SSRI's usually...some like Xanax start working within a week)

I'm wary of suggesting any sleep aids to you since several of them should not be used if you're currently on MAOI's.
THANX A LOT - More Chat Wit U

neither of those supplements are going to make you 'anabolic'. In fact, the whey protein shake is what would keep you in an anabolic (muscle building) state.

Hi and Thanx,

I agree with you that even simple whey concentrate ("Isolate") could put you on a sort of maintenance level of "metabolic" enhancement. But what if you experimented? Say, just had a small scoop on the breakfast to avoid the morning depression? And only in the morning? Hey it's just milk and "Cows Are Sacred" (LOL).

I've done some research on Creatine, Glutamine etc ... and they all put you in a "metabolic" state ... it's this muscle building anabolic enhanced performance thing that creates all the side effects. It sounds like great fun if you're very physically and mentally well, and for short term phases, especially if you're in competition or games. Some of the commercial bodybuilding websites flatly refuse to state side effects, short term or long term, but there is a lot of proven side effects published elsewhere where people are not profit orientated. There are also a lot of blogs where people have reported stuff like ripped tendons etc (it's connected to water and muscle alteration - I forget the fine print.) It's pretty full on junkie stuff.

Don't really want to discuss medical stuff ... don't worry, I have a great doctor. I have a small dose of medication and I agree that they are very "iffy" and "wobbly" and "powerful" and often you can't tell if they are working or not and just have to trust the doctor.