It's about supplements. I've never done that. In the morning I'm suffering confusion and depression. I am on anti-depressants. Unfortunately by nite it's the opposite. I'm very high and can't/won't go to bed ... way past my bedtime now man. LOL. So in the morning it's like f********** where am i, has the escape pod been hit yet, am I Leia or Solo, I feel small? Got the idea? It's kinda slow. DEAD SLOW. At night I keep trying to get to bed early because I'm in recovery and I NEVER do. I am happy at night. I do everything faster. But I don't sleep. Medically speaking ... if I try anything other than WHEY --- you know, like Creatine or Glutamine (Which boosts my immune and recovery i.e. super bonus!) WILL I BE THROWN INTO AN "ANABOLIC CONDITION" WHICH MAKES ME HAPPY IN THE MORNING BUT INCREASES MY INSOMNIA/SPEED AT NITE? Short and sweet really.