I've been going to the gym for about 4 months now and eating considerably healthier than I used to, but I realized I dont get enough protein in my diet. I decided to try a supplement and the guy at the store recommended Biox xtreme power meal. I thought all I wanted was protein but this is what he said I needed. Anyway, I've never used a supplement before so my first question is do I want to be taking this? I'm not sure because I tried it for the first time today using half as much as the instructions say and I had a bit of a reaction to it. My lips and throat got swollen up a bit and I didn't feel too well for about half an hour. Being the first time I used this stuff I'm not sure if thats normal, but I assume not. Anyway, should I try it again, or exchange it for something else (if so, what?), or just avoid supplements completely?