Supplement Advice

Hi. I posted this under the heading of I want to get big, do I need to take steroids? and didn't get quite the response and help I was hoping for, so I thought I would try again. I wasn't saying I want to take steroids - I was hoping that alternatives were suggested be it through diet, training, supplements...

I have been training for 2 years now, and I have changed my training routine and trainer and I have seen results. I used to be a lot bigger (fat) then through healthy eating and some exercise was doing well. Then I got sick and my body looked like that of a prepubescent boy. Now I am looking to get bulkier and bigger and am finding it hard.

I train 4 times a week, with a 3 day programme, so whatever I do on a Monday is repeated on a Friday. I take a mass gainer protein, I eat protein bars, I take straight creatine mixed in water, I eat 6 meals a day. I do all of that and I just don't feel like the results I am getting are the results I deserve (maybe I'm wrong).

What I want to know is if people can give me some advice on supplements because it's very hard to know what I should be buying and taking when everyone is selling something different.