Supp. Protein

I've never taken protein in powder form before but I have reailzed recently i just dont get enough of it, so I just went out, did my research, and bought some. Problem is, a serving size is one "scoop" or 30g, but i gots no scoop :) if im just using a tablespoon, can somebody just give me a rough estimate of how much I should be putting in?
This may be a dumb question, but did you check all around in it? Sometimes it's deep in the tub. Stick a knife or something like that in it to feel around.
Detroit Muscle said:
This may be a dumb question, but did you check all around in it? Sometimes it's deep in the tub. Stick a knife or something like that in it to feel around.
Are you SURE there's no scoop??? THey're always buried way in the bottom...
Yeah, I've had to dig through 5.5lbs of powder for several minutes before I found the scoop.
Scoop sizes have a wide range too. My EAS protein, 1 scoop is 29.5g and supplies 20g of protein - 1 serving. I've seen scoops half that size, and scoops almost double that size...but the label should tell you what YOUR scoop should weigh.
the supplement companies probably put the scoop in then the powder, then shake it like crazy. laughing and saying "let them try and find this scoop." :(
I have had the same problem just grab something in protien powder and my creatine powder that I used to use lol has to be from the shipping, damn UPS lol I used to work there and damn we were hard on the packages lol