

New member
So Im currently in a nutrition course at my college and my college professor states that all supplements are a waste of money. Especially multi-vitamins(because you get enough through diet and most of them cant even be properly dissolved in our bodies). Protein because you get enough through food and if you take a supplement form you are probably just adding unnecessary calories to your diet. The other one that really grabbed my attention was Fish oil supplements. (being that I was currently taking them due to lack of fish and nuts in my diet). He stated that fish oil supplements should only be takin by a person with cardiovasculor disease, and that with an excess amount of fatty acids it increases bleeding time, interferes with wound healing and supresses immune functions. So over-all just eat a healthy diet and keep on trucking people.

A lot of people do not get all the vitamins they do because they do not eat proper amounts of fruits and veggies. A multivitamin is quite useful in that regards because it eases the lack of nutrients in your body, but it does not replace healthy eating. Multivitamins are dangerous if you eat a lot of fruit and veggies because an overdose in vitamins is quite deadly.

Most supplements are pretty useless for normal people. Whey protein is mostly just good for body builders and athletes. I'm still researching about fish oil pills so I can't really comment about that.

Other supplements, like fat burner pills and energy enhancers, are pretty dangerous if you aren't already fit. Some have been shown to have adverse affects on your body at times.