
so today being Friday the thirteenth... hopefully we have no sufferers of paraskavedekatriaphobia...

What superstitions do you subscribe to... (being of Irish descent... my mother has sooo many that just wormed their way into my subconscious... )

When passing a cemetary, I will hold my breath, as if you breath in the spirits wanderig the cemetary could enter your body.

Drop a spoon, a friend is coming over
Drop a fork, a women is coming over
Drop a butter knife, a man is coming over
Drop a sharp knife, a enemy is coming over.

Play with a frog, get warts.

A death means a life is going to be born.

Heartburn thru out your pregnancy means your baby is going to have hair!

Eat the crust off bread will give you curly hair... (I always ate the crusts and have very wavey hair - would be curly if i kept it short)

What are some of yours
I have no superstitions
Happy Friday the 13th

Im one of the freaks that loves to love all of the off things...Im stoked it is Friday the 13th...Im wishing everyone a great day today and cant wait till Halloween...I love the numbers 3 and 13...Hey after all I was born on the 13tha dn my first bday was a Friday the 13th...LOL...I am however walking under ladders and such...Im also totally into skulls and all that jazz odd facinaction for skulls...not human of course just the symbols and prints and such...even have skul and cross bone sandals...and I am a mom...LOL...shame on me
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I was told by family too, that:

If you are in a car and you cross a railroad track, You have to lift your feet off the floor, as you are crossing.-WHY? no clue, but I do It

You are not to open an umbrella in doors,Go under a latter,and Spill the salt.

When it come to days like this (Fri. 13th)
I just watch how other people are acting- It is different!
But I see it more so on Full Moons.

I like this Thread-
It will be fun to see what everyone will do /or have done:p
ah -- spill the salt and you have to toss a bit over your shoulder to scare away the devil... :D my grandmother did that one.. then she'd get annoyed that she was always sweeping the floor :D

I sailed a lot when i was younger.. you never ever changed the name of a boat.. even if it got a new owner.. and if you dropped coins off the side of the boat, a storm was to happen.

horseshoes for luck - and the horseshoes should point up, so the luck doesn't run out.. (I know several people who had horseshoe shapes embroidered onto thier wedding dresses for luck)

It's bad luck to put a hat on a bed.
If your right hand itches you're going to receive money soon.
If your left hand itches you're going to have to pay out money soon.

...or vice versa, I always get them cofused. :p
I'm not really superstisious per se, but I have a thing about the number 11... I guess I'm attracted to it but it kind of follows me around. If I look at a clock - it's usually x:11. I was born Oct. 1 (10+1=11) and 11:18am. The ex was 11 months and 11 days older than me. Heck I even jointed this place on Sept.

I also keep a silver dollar in my wallet -it's kind of a family tradition, to signify change and luck. My grandpa kept one in his wallet until the day he died (I forget it's significance) and my dad keeps one in his wallet with the year he joined the Air Force on it - says that was the year he took charge of his own life and changed it for the better.
I belive in good luck, like the horseshoe, and the four leaf clover! I used to have a four leaf clover too! :D
I never pick up any coins on tales.
I am not fond of black cats darting
out in front of my van!
I am hoping this 7 year break a mirror
bad luck phase is almost over!
I never ever walk over top of those square
metal square things that you see in the'
sidewalks!Lol heres a new 1 I posted under
T2's diary my 666 post around 12:05 after
watching THE OMEN geeeesh! Lolthis is a cuite
thread MAL! Tammy:D
more irish stuff...

if someone gives you something with a point on it (like a pin) you have to give them a penny.

If you give a wallet or a purse as a gift, you should put some money in it, otherwise it will always be empty.
at a certain intersection we toss coins into the road to keep the leperchans away lol -my older sister started that when we were kids.

I never did this one but my sisters do- they hold there breath when we pass a graveyard so they won't have bad dreams.

Never walk under a ladder.

The first thing you say when you wake up on the first of the month is "Rabbit, Rabbit" and you will then have a good month.

Speaking of rabbits my mothers, boyfriends family while sitting around a campfire will say, "White rabbits, White Rabbits." over and over again to make the smoke stop blowing towards them.

Niapage- I always pick up coins. HEY! Money is money lol
I'm a big 'knock on wood' person. 'Hope that does/doesn't happen, knock on wood!'

I also avoid those metal plates and grates on the sidewalks, my husband cracks up when I refuse to walk on them. :)

No walking under ladders, no opening umbrellas in the house.

I agree that weird things happen more during a full moon than on the 13th, my students are great examples of that!
I don't know if this is a superstition but I always---always cut the plastic rings that go around soda bottles to 'save the dolphins' :) LOL