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I am 17 years old and have been training with weights and running for about one year now. During the summer I wake up, run, workout with weights, then go about my day. During my training i have jumped from 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. over the course of one year or so. This is a very slow gain. I have recently considered taking the hormone release pill called SUPERDROL. If anyone has any information, opinion, or experience with the supplement it would be much appreciated.
no one's got anything?
I wouldn't experiment with anything like that if I were you.

You've gained 25lbs over just summer, or a longer period? If it's the former, then that's a pretty good gain. There is no point in gaining weight too fast as your body can't really add a whole lot of muscle mass per week.
I wouldn't experiment with anything like that if I were you.

You've gained 25lbs over just summer, or a longer period? If it's the former, then that's a pretty good gain. There is no point in gaining weight too fast as your body can't really add a whole lot of muscle mass per week.

He said he gained 25 over a year. Weight training + eating right should bulk you up.
oh sorry, I missed that. 25 lbs over a year isn't a lot, it's not very bad either if he hasn't gained any fat. If you want to gain faster, just eat more.
yea 25 pounds over the course of 1 YEAR. and i eat just about 4 or 5 times a day. my metabolism is very big. heres my diet, cereal or oatmeal or poptart for breakfast. burger, taco bell, pizza rolls, chicken, rice stuff like that for lunch, and then for dinner depending on where i am i eat a pretty large portion, then before i go to bed i eat a peanut butter sandwhich and some fruit.

but still i'm seeing no gains its quite frustrating, seeing alot of others around me getting "big" and im still the same size ive been since thanksgiving
You definitely need to work on that diet before you look at ANY supplements. That diet is complete crap.
Got any suggestions Hoss? Because it's very hard to have a planned day, and planned diet in the summer for me. I could plan my breakfast and lunch, however dinner is where it gets difficult. I'm out and about just about every night in the summer. If you got any quick and easy dinner options that are convinient then im all ears bro
duplicate thread....closed

see thread of same title in Supplements forum
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