Weight-Loss Summer challenge

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New member
Starting tomorrow. I am going to change my life style. I plan to give up:

- Weed (I know.. But im done)
- Alcohol (I'm done)
- Junk Food
- Fast Food

I will get the before picture posted up. I am male, 16 and weight 181 lbs. I would not say im fat but chubby. I want to lose that. My girlfriend is going to be my biggest motivation, But maybe this could be my second.

I want to lose 30 pounds in 3 months! I think it can be done, I am willing to do:
- Morning exercise (45-hour jog, 100 situps, 30 pushups, 15 pullups).
- Quit all the stuff above
- Play more sports
- Eat healthier
- Good life fitness once a day/hour (If i get my membership back)

You guys could be a great motivation to me.

So, If you have MSN and are also looking for motivational partner feel free to send me a PM and ill give you my MSN and we can motivate each mother. Post your goals/plans/before pictures and when you plan to start. Picture coming tomorrow!

That's a lot you're giving up at the same time. Good for you. I think you'll start to feel really good as your system starts to cleanse itself from all that stuff.
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