

New member
Hi there, Again im 15 and weigh 160. I wanna start really working out hard. I wanna loose 10-15 pounds in 32 days.

My mom tells me to do reps, like do 30 sit ups and then stop then 5 min later do another 30 then stop for 3 hours.


WAke up around noon
before anything I do 30 sit ups
have a good sized breakfast (eggs, bacon, vector, orange juice) (not all of them) :D
tredmill burn 200 cal
80 pucnhed with weights
30 situps
THEN I do it all over again (the situps,punches,tredmil)
have lunch (strawberrys, blueberrys, tuna)
then do my excerizes again (the situps,punches,tredmil)x2
dinner- Non of my other family member r on a diet so I have to eat what they eat (but not as much)
then around 8 do my excerzies (the situps,punches,tredmil)x2
then no eating past 10 pm
then around 11pm I do 30-40 situps.

**** Each time I say "then I do my excerizes (the situps,punches,tredmil) than means, I do it twice (repeat).

is this good?
What kind of equipment do you have? Male or female?
Basically to lose fat, you need to take in less calories than you're burning so your body turns to fat for its fuel. I can't see how you're accomplishing much doing high reps and doing just these few limited exercises. Why not do a full body weight routine where you work your chest, back, shoulders, and legs. I find you burn many more calories using heavy weights rather than doing a million repetitions with light or no weights. Also, you need to work different body parts and not just get, for example, a strong stomach by doing sit ups but not working the lower back at all. Also, you're body will very quickly adjust to your routine so its best to change things up. Sit ups are not the best approach to a strong stomach. I would search on the internet for some better exercises.
Basically to lose fat, you need to take in less calories than you're burning so your body turns to fat for its fuel. I can't see how you're accomplishing much doing high reps and doing just these few limited exercises. Why not do a full body weight routine where you work your chest, back, shoulders, and legs. I find you burn many more calories using heavy weights rather than doing a million repetitions with light or no weights. Also, you need to work different body parts and not just get, for example, a strong stomach by doing sit ups but not working the lower back at all. Also, you're body will very quickly adjust to your routine so its best to change things up. Sit ups are not the best approach to a strong stomach. I would search on the internet for some better exercises.

Okay thanx alot. Ill search right now :)
By the way, I forgot to mention, good for you for trying to get healthy and learn about exercising! Try not to be in too much of a rush to lose the weight or you'll only slow your metabolism down and regain the weight. Keep us posted on your new routine.
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You have to work different parts of your body on different days. It's great that you are trying to exercise, but you need to vary it, as previously mentioned.

Treadmill is great daily. But weight lifting would be best if you skipped a day. You will gain muscle during off time, not during the exercise. i.e. If you do crunches on Monday, skip them on Tuesday, and then do them again on Wednesday. But on Tuesday, you can do more cardio or work different muscles. You can work your arms and stomach on Monday, for example. And then on Tuesday, you can work your legs and your lower back.

When I say you gain muscle during off time, you're not allowing your muscles to recover properly if you are not allowing enough time between exercises. i.e. If you do crunches at 8 am, and then again at 10 am; that two hour period is not enough time to let your abs to recover. Muscle recover is the biggest thing when weight lifting. You don't gain muscle while you are exercising, you gain it while your muscles are recovering. So if I were you, I would not do so many situps with so many different reps. I'm one of those people that prefers crunches. I think crunches and back extensions do more for you than situps will. I would say, do 2 or 3 sets of crunches of 10 crunches each, with 3 - 5 minutes between sets. So in total, you will do 20 or 30 crunches. And then do some obliques, lower ab exercises, back extensions, etc. Work different muscles. Once you've done that routine, don't do it again for another two days. Don't do it two hours later. You won't gain muscle as quickly as you could.
I would highly recommend a full body routine 3-4 times per week. Work as many muscles as possible. Do you have heavy weights? Or pink dumbells? :)
I just lost 16 pounds in 47 days. I did it by eating 750-800 calories a day.
Breakfast: CLIF (energy or protein) bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine
Dinner: CLIF bar

You stated that you eat whatever your family eats, but that could be loaded with fats, unless they are also on a diet.
CLIF bars are very filling. I never have problems with hunger when I eat one. This keeps me from snacking due to hunger. Another thing that works well is eating smaller meals (or snacks) 5 to 6 times a day.

A few years ago, "The 6 Week Body Makeover" program worked really good for toning me up without having to exercise. (I was born with Cerebral Palsy and exercise is difficult for me.) It really sheds the pounds fast because it leaves out oils, sugar, sodium and white flour. The only thing that was difficult for me was having to take three meals to work every day, because I was eating something every three hours). Most of the time I wasn't hungry enough to eat the meals that consisted of 3 oz. of protein, 1 cup of vegetables and 1/2 c. of carbs. The food is very bland and not fun to eat.
That is why I tried the CLIF bars because they taste good and have organic ingredients.

I hope this information helps you.
I just lost 16 pounds in 47 days. I did it by eating 750-800 calories a day.
Breakfast: CLIF (energy or protein) bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine
Dinner: CLIF bar

You stated that you eat whatever your family eats, but that could be loaded with fats, unless they are also on a diet.

I would rather eat whatever his parents make then what you listed. 800 calories per day, what are you, 36 pounds?

Whats wrong with fat? My diet is about 45% fat, so I need to know.
I just lost 16 pounds in 47 days. I did it by eating 750-800 calories a day.
Breakfast: CLIF (energy or protein) bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine
Dinner: CLIF bar
That is why I tried the CLIF bars because they taste good and have organic ingredients.

I hope this information helps you.

Clif bars are also extremely high in sugar... and 750-800 calories is a very low number of calories to live on for any period of time... Not to mention your lean cuisine is high in sodium and very processed - you're not exactly getting a healthy diet.