Suggestions to prepare for Leger 20-metre shuttle run (aka beep test)

I am looking to increase my vO2 max levels by quite a bit, I also will have to run the Leger 20-metre shuttle run (aka beep test) in the near future
This test is a kind of indicator of vO2 but has what seems to be a fairly high anerobic aspect of it as well.

Has anyone else had to prepare for this test, and what was the best way of preparing for it other than the usual jogging and interval jogging.
The best way is "Sport Specific Training". Simply, training should mimic the sport/activity you are training for. A training week could look like this: aerobic exercise 3-5X/wk on non-consecutive days: shuttle run 1-2/wk (track your progress), cross-train activity 2X/wk (swimming, skating, biking), cardio endurance interval jogging/running - . Strength train full body 2-3X/wk (if on same days as aerobic training - do aerobic first). Ensure a full stretching program to help decrease risk of injuries. Taper training gradually as you approach the actual event/test.
missfit, Certified Personal Trainer
Relax, I was making a joke.