Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me with a workout? I really want to lose weight since I am overweight right now. I usually have 1-2 hours free everyday to workout but I am very lazy
but I'm trying to fix that! Can you guys give me tips on a workout/diet plan?
Height: 5'6
Weight: 190
Body Type: short and heavy
Breakfast: I don't normally eat breakfast before school, maybe a waffle or something on randomly. Suggestions on a nice small breakfast? I heard shakes were good in the morning..
Lunch: School food - Yeah its horrible
I'm thinking about bringing my own lunch, suggestions?
Snack: I usually come home and make a small sandwich or something.
Dinner: A small bowl of rice and whatever is for dinner that day. (beef, chicken, veggies, etc)
Exercise: I've been lazy lately but I'm starting to run 1 mile a day, really slow paced. Suggestions on a complete workout? I have a bench press and stuff available.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 190
Body Type: short and heavy
Breakfast: I don't normally eat breakfast before school, maybe a waffle or something on randomly. Suggestions on a nice small breakfast? I heard shakes were good in the morning..
Lunch: School food - Yeah its horrible
Snack: I usually come home and make a small sandwich or something.
Dinner: A small bowl of rice and whatever is for dinner that day. (beef, chicken, veggies, etc)
Exercise: I've been lazy lately but I'm starting to run 1 mile a day, really slow paced. Suggestions on a complete workout? I have a bench press and stuff available.