Sport Suggestions on Pre-workout intake?

Sport Fitness
Hi, I'm a vegetarian (my whole life, 23yrs) and I started doing weight training at home with a bench and weights etc, for 2 months straight, 3 months ago. I don't have the solid amounts of iron that someone who consumes meat would have, and so I run out of energy quite quick.

I was trying to put on lean muscle and so I would be taking a protein shake before my workout, to assist me with the carbs. I guess you could say I have a weak foundation for muscle growth, but despite that being said, I have noticed some small results during my workout period, eg arms getting more dense, definition and slightly increasing the amount of weight I can lift.

My limit for bench press really only got to 35kg including the bar (28kg of weights) and though it will seem pitiful to most, I was an improvement since my commencement, though I seemed to reach a plateau where I couldn't push it further.

I'd like to know what most people take before a workout, and how soon prior to weight training. Bear in mind that I'm a vegetarian and that I need the protein supplement for muscle growth, but do need the carbs for energy.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

Note: my current meals I eat during the day don't consist of THAT much carbs (salad sandwiches, fruit) so should I be leaning towards mass carb loaded meals eg, rice, potatoes and pasta?
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You want a protein+carb meal before your workout. If it's hard for you to find quick protein pre-workout, a shake is fine. Have a shake with some fruit. That always worked for me if I'm going to eat within 30-60 before the workout.
I mix pure dextrose and creatine with my protein shake. You can get a 1kg bag of dextrose for around AU$3 and that will give you the insulin spike you need for energy before a workout and also help transport the protein to your muscles a lot quicker.
thank you both very much for your input =) It's my shopping day today and I wanted to start working out again once I cleared that up, so thanks again!
Since you don't eat meat you are probably lacking in creatine as well. I try to work in protein, creatine and caffine into my pre-workout mix.

Afterwords I add some extra carbs to my protein mix for the insulin spike.