Sport Suggestions for someone who doesn't eat greens...

Sport Fitness
I never have been able to eat veggies (can't stand the taste). I don't think I'll ever eat them. I'll eat potatoes, corn and the occasional-once-in-a-blue-moon carrot, but that's about it. I'll eat all sorts of fruits though.

My metabolism is retarded fast, and I'm a very active person, so I'm trying to start a new diet (well, start one period, I don't really have a set diet or watch what I eat, I just eat A LOT) and see where it gets me with my current work-out/lifestyle.

So what can I do as far as my diet is concerned? I tend to eat a lot of carb heavy and starchy foods like pasta. I eat lots of red meats, and eat steak daily for breakfast. I also drink whey/protein mixed with milk (52g) daily.
Retarded fast?... You're an oxymoron. XD

Anyway, a live chlorophyll supplement would be a good start. Assuming your manning up and learning to like vegetables isn't an option.

I recommend Nature's Way Chlorofresh. It's not as vomit-inducing as most because it's not as concentrated, and it has mint oil in it. Or you could go with a powdered greens supplement like greens+, but that is nasty and annoying to mix and clean up after.

Or if you want to do it the caveman way, you can just buy ****lots of greens, blend them up and drink them down. I honestly don't recommend it. Just get the chlorofresh or greens+ or whatever greens supplement floats your boat.

As far as your diet in general, that's a more complicated question that requires a great deal more input.
My advice? Eat veggies. If you're serious about working out a good diet plan, you need to incorporate veggies. Doing without them and trying to get their benefit would be a constant struggle.
My advice is also to just eat your damn veggies.

Seriously, if you want to be healthy you need to eat healthy. As for 'can't stand the taste'...veggies don't have much flavor. Try different prep methods.

for example: cooked/boiled spinach...gross. raw spinach salad...excellent! grill veggies, or do them as kabobs with meat.

if you paint yourself into a corner away from veggies you're always going to be behind the curve of where you could be.
I actually find fried spinach delicious, and raw spinach nasty. Taste is a personal thing. Experiment, as the man says. :)

Also, as an extension of what mreik's talking about, quality whole foods will always be superior to supplements for a number of reasons, imo, but the main one you should be concerned with is that human science is not terribly advanced. We only have vague ideas about some of what may or may not be beneficial in foods, and how to "supplement" them. There are likely a number of different nutrients in all those greens you're too much of a ****y to learn to like that you simply cannot get anywhere else.

But, it's your body, hence why I spent most of my previous post listing options other than the ideal one mreik and malkore have recommended, though I am completely in agreement with them.
The veggies just never sat well with me. It's like one of you guys eating something you absolutely can't stand. The rest of my family eats veggies, but I just for whatever reason can't stomach the taste, and sometimes texture. It not like I haven't given them a fair shake, as my family is oriental/asian, so veggies are almost a staple in the family diet.

And as stated, I don't think I can get to my full potential without them, but I need something as close to possible....
I don't know what you expect to they have said, if you want to benefit of veggies, which you mos def do, you kinda have to eat veggies. There aren't ANY you like? No one is saying you have to eat them all, but there has to be some...I mean, who doesn't like carrots?

Celery with natural peanut butter?

Cucumber salad...

The grilling really is a great idea too.
Let's treat you like a child on this matter. A child doesn't like the taste of vegetables and a lot of psychological testing has gone into what is the best and most effective way of getting children to actually enjoy eating vegetables and the one that has come in as the most successful is adding sugar to vegetables because the brain associates sugar with happy moments. Considering you're on this forum you're probably not too thrilled with the thought of adding extra sugar therefore extra calories in your diet so give splendar a go.

Once you've eaten vegetables at least 5 times with splendar you should start enjoying the taste and slowly reduce the amount of splendar you put on it and fingers and toes you'll be eating raw vegetables! Think about it, how many of us started drinking tea and coffee with sugar and now can't even imagine adding that sweetness!
Y'know, a number of tribes lived on almost nothing but meat, blood and milk, and were remarkably healthy, long-lived and aesthetically pleasing. Key word almost.

Seriously, suck it up. Splenda on your vegetables and ****. :rofl: No disrespect intended toward penny, that's actually a great idea, I just think it's ridiculous that you'd have to do that.

But then, I started off drinking coffee black, and liquor straight up.

This is my 5th week of consuming almost nothing but protein shakes. 5-6 of them a day, plus a PWO drink. Do you know what the two most disgusting foods in the whole world are, to me? Protein shakes and PWO drinks. XD For the first couple weeks, every time I'd down a v shake, it'd want to come back up. They still taste like week-old taint. You'll get over it.

Eat to live! :) That or, uh, make stirfry.