Your calorie total for a day is what determines whether you are gaining mass, losing mass, or maintaining. What is just as important though, is where those calories come from. Protein, carbohydrate, and fats need to be consumed in the right amounts.
Basically, my general advice is to limit sugar as much as possible, and if that means never, great. Sugar does have its uses, such as dextrose (simple sugar) after a workout. And I just have to have some dark chocolate from time to time to keep sane. So other than post workout, and for an occasional treat, it should be avoided!!
What about sugar from fruits?
I eat alot of fruits a day,lots of apples, etc. They might be sugary, but i always keep it inside my calorie intake
if cutting too much fruit will hinder results, id switch to more veg.
also, fruit sugars vary, bananas are sugar and kcal heavy, berries much less so.
Cwcox01, watch both. Total kcal intake is the way to increase and decrease mass, but what you use to make up that total figure will greatly affect how much muscle and fat you keep, gain or lose.
Personally i keep sugars to an absolute minimum, always having them Post WO for the insulin spike to drive protein into muscle right when it needs it, and then trying to keep my fruit intake for when its going to be burnt off, namely pre & post workout. Also, i play a lot of sport, so use the extra sugar then to give me the energy i need to get through a match, which in turn helps prevent muscle breakdown.
If you are cutting and are below your calorie intake, would the fruits still make a big difference?
How much sugar is too much?
I personally eat 3-4 apples a day, a bowl of carrots, a mango, maybe a banana or 2. IF I was cutting, and ate this much fruits but was still below my calorie limit for the day would it still do harm and hold on to the fat?
Thanks a lot guys , I am cutting the sugars and that junk.