Weight-Loss Sugar

I posted a thread in the exercise section but I thought this required a new topic.

My big weakness is sugar, and in particular fizzy drinks. Dr Pepper and Coke are like crack to me. You hear a lot about how it's so bad for you but is it truly as bad as they make out in fitness/weight capacity? It'll be a wrench to cut it out but i will if it'll see results sharpish!

Sugar drinks are definitely not good for someone looking to improve their health and lose weight. Try diet versions or cut down little by little before eliminating them from your diet.

Try soda water with lemon. It might help with the fizzy craving.
That reminds me of the asian food.

Lot of restaurats put MSG in their food, so it makes people addicted (IE: soup)

Regarding soft drink, I'd recommend you to stop buying it. Thats the only way you're not going to drink them.

Thats what I personally do, since when I have some coke in my fridge, i'm just overdrinking it.

A lot of this is to do with training your mind...I just cut off sugar completely and took it up like a challenge. Took great pride and satisfaction in saying no to sugar or anything that had sugar

The effects are almost immediate and frankly you are just cutting out a completely unnatural food

Best of luck
Originally Posted by Hulk

A lot of this is to do with training your mind...I just cut off sugar completely and took it up like a challenge. Took great pride and satisfaction in saying no to sugar or anything that had sugar

The effects are almost immediate and frankly you are just cutting out a completely unnatural food

Best of luck

Sugar = carbs. So I don't know how you can say that you had nothing that had sugar....

..... Yeah, i know!! Things like cupcakes, pastries etc. Being a smartarse.
AHere is a question i've had about sugar but cant seem to find a good answer for. Everyone says soda is bad for you because it has so much sugar in it, im not disputing that. However, i looked at a cup of yogurt at target (yoplait cherry) and it has abouut 23 grams of sugar in one serving. That is almost as much as a serving of pepsi. Why is it then that yogurt in general is viewed as a healthy food? (at least by the people i talk to) am i just eating the wrong kind of yogurt? Or is it more to do with sugar in fruit vs processed sugar? I always thought in the end your body simply recognizes sugar as sugar, no matter where it came from. Am i mistaken on this?
Hey Makior, that is a very good question. In part, the type or brand of yogurt makes a big difference in terms of the sugar content, which is why it's so important to read nutrition labels and compare products. The main reason why yogurt would be considered a "better" food than soda, even if the sugar content is almost the same, is that soda is considered "empty calories"... In other words, your body receives no nutritional value whatsoever from soda (except calories from sugar). Yogurt, on the other hand, has nutritional value. There are vitamins, minerals, and protein which are all considered to be "good" for you and benefit your health in a positive way. So if you just looking at sugar content and are going to choose between soda and yogurt... yogurt wins hands down. Soda is just extra calories that don't fill you up. I would recommend looking at different yogurts to find one that has less sugar in it if possible.
Hello, I really love sugar but i know that is not good for my health. Every time i drink something it has to have sugar.
Originally Posted by HyungJun

Sugar = carbs. So I don't know how you can say that you had nothing that had sugar....

..... Yeah, i know!! Things like cupcakes, pastries etc. Being a smartarse.

sure Hyung Jun...but I am just keeping it simple:

Take away the sugar in your drinks...like you say: pastries, etc. Just something simple like that cuts off your daily intake of simple carbs that you have over and above the other stuff. I do not like to cut off carbs completely...makes me feel depressed and tired. I just lower the regular intake. I eat fruits and fruits have sugar...but they have volume vis a vis the calorie intake...pure sugar does not have that. Similarly, restricting to one slice of bread per meal [like breakfast/lunch/dinner] helps too. The bread will eventually be converted to sugar...but nothing compared to a teaspoon of white sugar.
Top 10 Sugar-Reducing Tips
1. See if you can taste the difference.
2. Cut back gradually.
3. Only eat sugary food when you really want it.
4. Opt for half and half.
5. Don't eat anything sugary out of the container.
6. Buy lunchbox snacks.
7. Buy holiday treats at the last minute.
8. Don't go grocery shopping when you're craving sugar.
9. Do a final audit of your grocery cart before you checkout.
10. Avoid sugar substitutes.
I'm sorry, but I disagree with most of your list...

#1.... EVERYONE can tell the difference between something loaded with sugar and something thats not.
#2,3,and 4 all fall under "depends on how bad you want to lose weight"
#6 what are those?? prepackaged foods?? a big no no
#7...maybe this one I'll give ya...better to buy it late than early...but best not to buy it at all.
#8..this is common sense, don't shop when your hungry.
#9...for what? something you forgot or to make sure junk food didn't jump in the cart? I don't see that has helpful
#10..this one is good :)
When a person is trying to lose weight then the first thing one would recommend him/her is that reduce the intake of sugar. It is difficult to reduce the sugar in our diet but we should to keep our body healthy. Have the foods that are naturally sweet!!