Weight-Loss Sugar!



New member
Ok, I'm confused!

I've been under the impression that as long as a food is relatively low in "naughty fats" a high sugar content doesn't matter, as long as the high number of calories in the food is taken into account for that day.

Is this totally wrong then? :willy_nilly: I've come across a few posts on the board suggesting that high sugar foods are detrimental to weight loss...

Can somebody point me in the right direction here? I don't want to be chomping away on foods that will hinder my weight loss... :(
High levels of processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup I believe can be really bad for you as far as gaining weight. Here's a little article about it.
Hi Queeny,

The article quoted in the previous post is good - hi sugar can cause blood sugar fluctuations in some people.

What the article didn't mention is that insulin (produced to deal with high blood sugar) is a strong stimulator of fat prduction! Insulin tells the liver to convert sugar into fat and then tells the fat cells to slurp up this extra fat. So you definitely don't want to stimulate too much insulin with a high sugar diet.

Complex carbs are good - brown bread, and brown rice etc as well as veg and fruit. But don't let refined sugar lead you astray.

Good eating, Liz
The main problem with sugar is that it throws the body out of it's natural homeostasis. It's literally a domino effect, knocking literally all of your bodily systems out of whack. I read an article recently that suggested that as little as TWO TEASPOONS of sugar can do this. As said above, it spikes your insulin levels as well. Too much sugar can cause everything from yeast infections (in women AND men), to allergic reactions (as it affects digestion, and recent studies have shown that improperly digested foods can cause the body to go into "allergy mode"). Basically, sugar = bad. With all the negative effects, it seems that simply affecting weight loss is the least of the nasty things it can do!