Contrary to what we have been conditioned to believe... "sugar free" does not mean healthy. Many of the sugar free beverages are subsituted with Sucralose aka Splend or Aspertame. If you are interested in looking and feeling strong and vital your best bet is to remove these toxins from your diet. Heres why:
1) Sucralose / Splenda bears more chemical similarity to DDT than it does to sugar... if you dont know what DDT is, all you need to know is that it has been banned for use in the US due to several damaging side effects. Also, sucralose is essentially just clorinated table sugar... as such it can cause a host of health issues including but not limited to: reproductive disorders, birth defects, cancer and, immune system breakdown. Does this sound like it may be worth the 1 hour buzz you get from sugar free red bull? Check out the following site:
2) Toxins in all of their forms make you sick, sad, fat and stupid! If your body is busy trying to assimilate and purge trash like processed foods and red bull... you can rest assured that your nervous and hormones will be unbalnaced in such a way that you will become CATABOLIC. And if you have any bodybuilding sense at all you know that when you are in a catabolic state your body doesnt burn fat efficiently and will sacrifice muscle tissue for energy... not to mention that an over flooding to catabolic hormones decrease your mental capacities and makes you old fast.
So What Do I Do "Primal Guy"?
First, decide where your priorites lie... if reaching your physical and life potential is importnat and you want tom maximize your strength and vitality you will MAKE room for the following nutrition and lifestyle adustments that are sure to give you back your energy and put you on the road to stardom! If you think what I am about to tell you is BS, then just continue to life a dysfucntional lifestyle and keep wishing for things to get better:
1. get to bed by 10:30 and wake at 6:30
2. discover and eat right for your metabolic type
3. drink 1/2 your bodyweight in oz. of H2O daily
4. if your ancestors 10,000 years ago did not eat it, neither should you
5. eat high quality "grass fed" meats and organic veggies
Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"