Sport Sugar Bottoms Out During Excercise

Sport Fitness
My blood sugar has been bottoming out after about 20 minutes of vigorous excercise. I have to completely stop, drink orange juice and then begin again very slowly. Can anyone tell me what to eat on the nights before so as not to go through this? I am not diabetic, just glycemic problems.
If you do not have any real blood sugar problems (ie. you're basically normal), you've probably been causing it yourself. I've seen it many times in clients and in myself. I feel a little tired during one workout and grab a gatoraid. Then do the same during the next workout, and slowely my body starts to adapt to the readily available on demand energy and pretty soon I can't make it through ANY workout without getting light headed.

Assuming you don't have any issues you should see a doc for, I'd recommend just forcing yourself through a couple workouts without the juice. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's no BS.
are you trying to workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? your pre-workout meal should use complex carbs to prevent blood sugar rollercoastering.

if you're trying to do this fasted, first thing in the morning...that's rough. I don't recommend vigorous exercise at this time. Slower, steady state cardio is ok. HIIT is a recipe for problems.