Sport Stupid question: Why is too much sugar and salt bad ?

Sport Fitness
sooo why are them so bad ?
I dont eat a lot of food with sugar .. only my morning cereal !! lucky charms :p :p

but I do eat a lot of salty foods .. like instant noddle, I eat them quite a bit ... and I know they have tons and tons of salt in it ....

soooo I was wondering what would be the effects of me eating a lot of instant noddles ?? besides de carbs hehehe

thanks all ...
and have a good week !!!

5 days till friday !! :p
sooo why are them so bad ?
I dont eat a lot of food with sugar .. only my morning cereal !! lucky charms :p :p

Refined table sugar, combined with the refined flour of the cereal, creates a massive insulin spike. The body can't utilize all the calories, so a lot gets stored as fat. The insulin spike also shuts down lipolysis (conversion of fat to lipids in the blood).

but I do eat a lot of salty foods .. like instant noddle, I eat them quite a bit ... and I know they have tons and tons of salt in it ....

Salt causes water retention, high blood pressure and leads to cardiovascular disease.