Stunting growth


Im 14 and am trying to get ripped. Would it stunt my growth if i took ephedra free hydroxycut?

Plz dont just say yes because u dont want me taking it, i just want to know if it will.

Oh and what about heavy weights, small reps, that gonna do anything to my growth?

You want to pack on mass or lose weight? Do not do heavy weights, low reps. You should only look at that after months of steady training. Right now, try to stick with 3x10. 2mins rest b.w. sets will help you get bulkier. 1min will get you more toned and ripped.

No it won't stunt your growth. Where the heLl did you hear that from? You don't need it though, it will do nothing compared to a correct diet.
i thought i always heard more weight and less reps for bulking and less weight and more reps for getting ripped.when did this change?
paulkid said:
i thought i always heard more weight and less reps for bulking and less weight and more reps for getting ripped.when did this change?

That's one of the many myths popular bodybuilding magazines enriched our lives with.

Diet controls if you will gain or lose weight. Your training should not change very much whatever your goal.

Tim_14, hydroxycut is a waste of money.

Do a search for a ECA stack.
Ok thanx. I just searched ECA stack but i cant understand how it is so different to ephedra free hydroxycut. I mean isint ephedra supossed to be bad for u? How is it better? would it be better if i wanted to get ripped?

Oh and i had done about 3 months of 11lbs weights and now ive moved onto 22lbs. I do 6-8 reps with 2 mins between each rep.

And i didnt hear it form anywhere, i was just concerned. But what i didnt say was that i currently already take hydroxycut and have been for about 4 weeks now and i think so far, very good. I stopped running for about 3 weeks and put on weight, been taking this stuff for 4 and im better than i was before i stopped running!

Im not really looking into bulking im more into getting ripped abs..very ripped lol.

Thanx for ur replys guys, being a big help :D
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If you are really worried about stunting your growth, just don't train too heavy, too often. Try, if possible to use no more than your body weight for resistance.

The reason for this is, at your age, your bones are growing. They do this by forming epiphyseal plates (growth plates) around the ends of your bones. Inside these plates, is a lattice of new bone formation, that is hollow and sponge-like, as all bones are. Only in these growth plates, the bone formation is not nearly as dense, and can be easily compressed, thus retarding bone growth.
just be carefull tim, stick to high reps low weight. i see a bunch of people at my highschool that are really short and that bench 200+ >_<
as Chambr said it will do nothing compared ot a clean diet, well could u tellme if this is clean or should i make any adjustments?:

Breakfast: Oatmeal (traditional) with 8oz of light milk and added water. NO SUGAR

Snack 1: Medium carrot

Sanck 2: Medium carrot or musli bar

Lunch: 2 pieces of wholemeal bread, low fat cottage cheese and pineapple pieces

Snack 3: 30 g Oatmeal with milk

Dinner: Handful of pumpkin, handful of broccoli, handful of mashed sweet potato (no margarine or salt of milk added) And a large skinless chicken breast. I also have some BBQ sauce with the chicken.

The only liquids i drink are water and i drink a fair bit of it.

Yeh so thats a food day in the life of tim :p

Would be ince to know if i am doing anything worng. Thanx
There are not nearly enough calories, or protein in your diet for a active young guy like yourself, Tim. Nice lean choices in your food, but at least 3 of your meals should look like your dinner. A little fat in your diet is also good.

Gradually increase your calories, experimenting with a week or 2 at a time. I promise you will like the results.

Side note - I saw in another thread you were worried about your abs fading. Your calorie defecit may be the reason.
I had a feeling that could be the case.

Thankyou soooooo much, truly a great help.

Well my calories do average to be about 1100 a day!

I dont know how to make lunch abit like dinner because i just cant think of anything else to eat. I had tomato paste on my bread as well but i took that off because i thought there was to many calories.

I could increase my oatmeal in the afternoon to 60 grams, anymore and i wont want dinner.

I know i could make my snacks bigger aswell. Is 1400 calories a day enough for me would you think? (I don't like to go by those BMR or maintance calculators on the internet)
Arrggggg!!!!!! this is sooooo depressing!

Ive eaten slightly more calories than i usually do and have been drinking more water than i usually do but my abs definition has slowly been going away in the last 5 days and now i barley have any to what i used to have! i just dont get it, what is happening here.

Im gonna start running again, and im going to do 30 minutes 6 times a week and one day of HIIT.

This is just sooooooo anoying its giving me the s**** big time.
Start with at least 2000 calories a day, your body is starving. This is why you are losing definition. Yea, those bmr calculators on the net are usualy crap.

If you like, I can figure it out for you a lot better than a calc. I will need some details though.

Height, weight, what your daily activites consist of (do you walk to school? etc...), and what your training routine looks like (be specific on this one.)
2000! sounds an awful lot to me.

Well ill do random stuff aswell.

I am 14 and 6 months old. I weight 105.7lbs or 47 kgs. I am 5'3" and abit or 161cm tall.
No i dont walk to school....way to far. I havent been jogging for a while but im gonn start it up again about 20-30 minutes a day in the afternoon. Other than the jogging im really not that active. I do an hour of tennis on saturdays and am going to start abit of swimming training soon i think, but dont worry about that.

my exercise routine is:

Workout Routine

Monday- Off day

Tuesday- Arms and chest*

Wednesday- Abs˚

Thursday- Arms and chest

Friday- Legsۙ

Saturday – Abs

Sunday – Arms and chest

* Arms and Chest

3 x 10 ten kilograms weights each arm
10 x 2 dips
10 x 2 chin ups
20 x 5 decline pushups

˚ Abs

40 x 3 hanging leg raises
50 x 2 crunches
6 x 4 ten kilo weighted crunches

ۙ Legs

15 ten kilo weighted squats
10 ten kilo weighted squats
5 ten kilo weighted squats

I gotta give you props Tim, I've never heard of a 14 year old so dedicated to a workout and diet. When I was 14 I ate reeses...that's about it :D .
haha thanx :p