Weight-Loss stuffing?

Sure you can eat stuffing if you figure it into your diet..unless you mean you want to only eat stuffing. To which I would reply, you are not a thanksgiving turkey!
Most stuffings are high in calories and high in sodium (I am assuming you mean something like Stove Top Stuffing)

So..I say no.
Eating Stuffing IS a Bad Idea!!

Stuffing really is nothing but grease soaked bread, JAM packed with Fat and Calories!! I'm sure your doctor would also advise against that!! I would recommend eating veggies with gravy on them before stuffing for dinner!!
Try making soup or something if you are looking for that comfort food!!
On a lighter note...Why do you think they call it stuffing? Because it stuffs you!

Stuffing is not an ideal thing to be eating if one wants to lose weight. It would be what you would call bad carbs for losing weight...

Instead go for better carbs like some fruit or some good ole steamed veggies...An apple is one of the best fruits one can eat...it releases slow into your system without spiking your sugar intake and it helps you curb your hunger pangs...If you need too... eat 2 of them at once to get that full feeling.

Drink plenty of water...

And if you are feeling hungry...Go take a walk or do some type of exercise and it will curb your hunger feeling for awhile...Plus its good for you...

Another thing to help you out is to study nutrition and find out what is good to eat and what isn't...For any life long success with weight we must educate ourselves about food and how to eat!

I agree with the other posts here...Leave the stuffing for thanksgiving day and stay away from it the rest of the year...

Speaking of walks its time for me to go take mine...

Bye for now...
well! i will be staying away from that stuffing! thanks for all the replies. i will try eating the apple and see how it goes, cant stand the skins though :)
thanks again,
- tom