STUCK in a RUT! HELP **** ME****!


New member
Starting roughly in the end of September I weighed 255 and gawd himself only knows my body fat percentage at that time. Now I weigh 215 and my body fat % is at 34.2%. I eat my recommended protein and lots of veggies, I go to the gym and do one hour of weight training and one hour of cardio EVERDAY (sometimes 6 days a week). Ive recently started doing 4 miles of running as my cardio, and for two weeks my weight has stayed the same. THis is the only thing that I have started doing differently. I would think looking at all the "tiny" runners that they have an easy time keeping the weight off so why me? lol
Im 5'11" and I know I will never ever be "tiny" (considering my weight calc showed that I am currently 148lbs of muscle) but I am looking to lose another (at least) 30 lbs.
Help would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea where Im going wrong. Im just so excited to hit my first goal of 200lbs that I want it GONE like yesterday.
Thank you for responding:)
Hi BjTizzle :)

I give you so much props for coming online to actually share your weight loss goal and journey..
I was able to lose about 40+ lbs through this one program called "Venus Factor".. Have you heard of it?..
It's specifically for women and my friends and i got really committed and saw results..

here's a link:

Don't mean to be a stalker but I look at your profile to see if you were a girl.. (it's for females only.. which is why i LOVE it!) LOL..
You'll get there soon!.. I know it! Keep us posted! Good Luck! <3