Stuck in a rut (equestrians wanted)


New member
Where to begin..

A few months back I started a new job that required a rigorous amount of physical activity all day long. I begin my days at 5:30am and end (most days) around one. The amount of activity varies from day to day, as it is tailored to need. I work with race horses and spend much of the day cleaning stalls and pushing heavy wheel barrows, carrying 30lb water buckets, hay, feed, etc. Plus no time for sitting. I am constantly racing around and as you can imagine, at the start of it all I lost a considerable about of weight. Because of all this activity I am INSANELY hungry ALL THE TIME. I try to pick healthy foods, but that still doesn't stop the amount I eat. I tell myself it's alright to eat so much because my body needs it to be able to maintain strength and energy the next day. No time for weakness, no time to be sick, I work 7 days a week. I rest when I can. However, lately I have gained about 10 lbs back. I am 5'1 and any extra weight is instantly noticeable. I have been working out now after long days and trying to eat less. However I see no change and am still... Starving! All day. Are there any diets out there for highly active people? Should I try meal replacements? How do I get out of this rut. Tired of running myself down and being disappointed.
Sounds like you're putting in what your body needs for the amount of activity you do, but are you putting in the right foods. By that I mean not processed, preferably organic foods. Research shows that we tend to eat the same volume or weight of food every day, regardless of it's calorie count. So if we want to lose weight , it's crucial to stick to lower calorie foods to make up for this volume. Thats where fruits and veggies as well as whole foods that contain the protein, carbs and good fats play an important part in a weight loss plan. Water, lots of water, stay away from that sugary sweet crap. Water is one of the most sure fire ways to rev up that metabolism and help with satiety, so keep hydrated. BTW I ain't no doctor, nutritionist or an equestrian (had to use spell-checker on that one), just my .02 cents.