stuck can't shift my weight after 4 weeks hard training


New member
Hi I'm Benfield and new to forums. I was 18 stone 2 years ago took me 8 months ridiculous starving and training until I got to 72 kilos. This was awesome anyways a year goes by happily maintaining bit of eating/drinking then burning it off. So this Christmas just gone it has all gone a bit wrong. I decided to buy a running machine which is great for winter running. So after my birthday November last year a bumped to 77 kilos then just before xmas 80. So I thought do some daily training get low then blow out for Xmas. 10 days 1 hr 30 mins each day hit xmas 83 kilos actually gained. Bad news, so after Xmax nearly 90. Managed to claw back to 83, 4 weeks ago. Now a solid month up hill training 1 hr 20 every day and it just stays at 77 k and I am leaving 400 calories spare each day on a zig zag diet. When I was first really heavy I ate all my exercise calories and the weight fell off, but to scared to try that again. What should I do.......
Hi Benfield,
I would like to share my experience of losing weight, "I'm a wife and mother of two active girls with a busy schedule; Utilizing the community's tools and seeing others struggles helped me get through this first part of my journey."I lost 50lbs in May last year. However, in 3 short months, I lost 11lbs, 2.5 inches off of my waist, 2 inches off of my hips and 2 inches off of my shouldersI am very proud of what I accomplished. I would highly recommend without reservation the program to anyone wanting to get into the best shape of their lives because this program works and has totally changed my life. I have not looked and felt this good ever since I gave birth to my younger daughter. This program can help anyone and can do for the rest of their lives and not feel like they are spending hours every day in the gym. Vital Stats: Age 35, weight lost 50 lbs., inches lost: 9" on waist, 12" on hips. will continue to lose weight.
Hi Benfield, a strategy I use to have a positive nutrition balance focused around foods that enhance my metabolism, the benefit of this is that the natural fat burning systems are stimulated to levels where the fat burning carries on even in our inactivity. To get to this level I eat smaller more frequent meals focused on a food type that enhances my metabolism sucj as kale, broccoli, berries, almonds, lean meats, cinnamon or hot peppers.

Combined with this I vary my workout and I only workout at home or at the local park. My workouts change between a run, HIIT, body weight exercises or intermittent sprints.

The combination of this allows my body to continually undertake varied fat burning calorie consuming methods, which has allowed me to lose on average 1.5kg a week.

I hope this helps

Hi thanks for your reply. I have cut out meats and have been having chillies and things with mixed beans and lentils, no alcohol, one toast for breakfst no butter just honey, tuna toast no butter but an amount of measured mayonnaise for lunch for a month. My wife measures all my calorie intake. Anyway using the running machine at home up hill programme for 1hr 20 daily for a month making sure to leave between 200-400 calories spare. Well this morning I am now 79.4 kilo. So somehow I have gained 2.4 kilos. Seriously I have never trained so hard it just seems to be getting me nowhere....... I feel like a really fit fat person, and to be honest I'd rather be an unfit thin person........need help to understand what is going on' I should be at my target weight by now...........