

New member
I’ve been struggling with my weight my whole life. I tried dieting and for that was more stressful than anything. I felt more guilty that if I was not on a diet. I tried abstaining for eating that worked for a little bit but it gave me headaches and I felt sick and hungry. I’m so fed up of feeling this way. The idea of exercising seems so overwhelming to me. I was think of trying a medication called Oristat or Xenical. It’s suppose to help you lose weight. I’ve been reading a lot about it and it seems to be successful. Has anyone ever tried it? What is your feed back? My thinking is if I can at least start loosing weight, that will motivate me to continue and add exercise and be more aware of my food intake. I found a site on line that sells it and I was wondering if anyone has ever used this site before/ it’s SPAM LINK REMOVED Please give me some feedback on what your thought are about this. I’ve never bought or done anything like this before. Thank you for your support.
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Many of us have felt desperate and like every diet that we have ever tried failed.

In my case it was because of two reasons
1/ I believed that I needed to eat dramatically less calories than I actually needed to eat to lose weight
2/ I believed that exercise was beyond me because I was too big. I heard people say that you needed to walk briskly for it to be effective and I knew that I couldnt do anything briskly.

I strongly doubt that the medication is the best answer for you. I suggest that you post details about your weight, height, gender, age (all of which effect how many calories you burn) so that someone can help you formulate a plan that would get you losing weight. Such a plan need cost no more than the price of normal healthy food at the supermarket and possibly a little shoe leather (I have gone through a few pairs of shoes with my walking over the past 2.5 years - but it has been so very worth it for me).