Strong Urine smell...real strong!

I'm currently taking whey and creatine. I have noticed a stong urine smell when peeing. Is this a result of the supplements?
Dirink more water! It is because your urine is too concentrated. If you read the recommended usage for most of those products they tell you to drink additional fluids. You should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day. Your urine should be almost clear and odor free if you are drinking enough fluids.
increased protein = increased nitrogen in your urine. up your water intake. if your urine isn't clear or just barely pale yellow, you're not hydrating enough and your urine is indeed too concentrated with waste.
It could also be caused by a urinary tract infection or prostate infection. Either way, if this is the first time you've noticed it, drink a lot of water, and cranberries can help (cran juice, or the real cranberries). If it doesn't go away within 3 days, see a doctor.
This is just an update. After several tests, because of the oder was that bad, the problem was asparagus. Yes, asparagus in some people can produce this rotten smell within 15 min after consumtion. Google it and read away.
I thought everyone knew about asparagus. Austin Powers: Goldmember even does some schtick on this when he's peeing in the fountain he unplugged on accident.
I love aspargus for that simple fact....