I am personally not aware of any supplements, but there could be a "topical" cream a dermatoligist could prescribe or reccommend for you to purchase that could "possibly" reduce the appearance some.
Additionally, I made two posts reference Stretch marks to another member last month, that could help in understanding stretch marks:
I need a Chill Pill!

I have one concern about something that crept up on me I wasn't expecting from working out: Stretch marks?! I have stretch marks on my traps?! Are they from lifting weights or something? I noticed them about 3 days ago, and got kinda freaked out about them. They don't look too appealing if you know what I mean, so I don't want any more (if there IS a way to prevent them?). This is not something that will stop me from working out (I gotta beat GT!

), its just something I don't really know much about. Have you ever gotten stretch marks before?
No, I have never experienced stretch marks. But, I know A friend of mine (that is male) that has, and my wife has stretch marks (in the lower abdomen area) due to child rearing.
IMO, stretch marks "can" happen due to the possibility of rapid tissue growth.
The skin is not elastic enough or not able to grow as fast as the underlying muscle (or fat) that has accumulated or grown underneath the skin surface.
It then can get stretched forming marks on the skin surface. I think it is logical with "some" persons to get stretch marks when body building due to the disparity in growth, genetics, and skin elasticity, between people in general. Some get them and some do not.
When my wife became upset with her stretch marks, and wanted to do something about them, she got some prescription cream (and some over the counter cream) and it seemed to help--lesson the appearance (and color) of the marks.
She also put creams and what not during pregnacy, but this didnt prevent them from occuring.
It is "possible" that given time that the stretch marks will disappear as you get a little (older and mature), since you are so young, and you continue to change your bodily composition. Your skin "may" just play some catch up.
Stretch marks can go away with time with some persons; however, there is a "chance" they may not.
I wouldnt do anything drastic at the moment. Keep an eye on them, and give it some time to catch up.
In general, stretch marks are basically the skin stetching and not biologically growing as fast as the underlying tissue, thus stetching in the process.
Best regards,
Thanks! So basically I just gotta wait it out, which is what I was expecting. I have heard of stretch marks due to pregnancy, but getting them from muscle underneath? I wouldn't think so, especially on my traps, that's why I was concerned about it. Hopefully I won't get too many more to the point where someone can see them at a distance from me. Thanks for the info Chillen!
You are welcome, young man.
I think its more common than you think. Its just the skin and underlining tissue not keeping in sync with each other. Like I said, there is a good probability that with you being so young (and the youth biological functions still within initial growth period) and the ability to recover/repair quickly they "could" disappear in time.
Keep Rocken-On.......
Keep a Rocket in your Pocket......Pull it out, and ROCK IT!!!!!!
He, he