It was interesting in this one to be reminded about how we make better decisions and think better when we're relaxed too. If we're anxious, it's so easy to stay in the anxious place, feeling our worry is preventing trouble, when actually it's when we let go of it, that we're safer. I really do get stuck on the wrong side of this a lot. I think videos like this, and the sounds videos too, are really helpful when I'm stuck. When I'm grooving along I might be happy to just use my own thoughts but these things were definitely useful tonight. I didn't go looking for them so much as stumble across them while I was doing something else. Good value for me though.
I like this comment that the last one got:
This video has gotten me through 4 papers (and counting) in college so far. It's amazing how focused it makes me
I wonder if it will help me get through the last two weeks of school!?